
Happy Birthday!

Today is Sadako's 92th birthday.
She was born in 1920, May 22.
Her zodiac sign is Gemini and her Chinese year is monkey, just the same as mine.

Her favorite perfume is Murasaki, mine is Bulgali.
She is joyful and cheerful full of entertainment to friends but she sometimes complains that friends has been fewer because of having passed away. That's why all of her friends are younger than her. Though the close friend of her is almost 80 years old, she seldom visits her recently.
She saw many friends off, so she feels like to be left alone.
I try to encourage her to live happier and longer instead of them who are gone.

She often tells that life is once nothing will be left after the death. "Almost of all rules and customs are made by people not by nature. I'm forgetting and getting weak to be back a baby at last."
She is really a pure and genuine lady with brave heart.
Wishing you happy birthday and live longer and better life day by day, Sadako!

2 件のコメント:

  1. Happy Birthy Mrs.Sadako .(*^_^*)
    I want to get old like Mrs.Sadako cutely.
    I pray for health forever!


    1. Thanks for the lovely comment. I will let her know your message.
      I'm sure we are on the same boat in life so let's get old well as long as we are alive.


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