
Good morning the sunshine

Yesterday it was hell cold and snowy.
Last night snow fall stuck on the parabola antenna and prevented BS vision.
It was because of so cold of the material of the circle antenna and made falling snow into frozen ice on it.
It's bright sunny morning at 8:00 o'clock in the morning. But the weather forecast says it will be snowy all day today.....so I just say hello to the Sun for a while and have to say goodbye after all.
Anyway, we are now having big cold waves and very cold period so far.
I know how to enjoy staying at home too bad ...but sometimes need to walk with snow shoes.

4 件のコメント:

  1. how to enjoy staying at home too bad ...weather

    yes me too.

    it walking in my house with my walkingmachine
    and of course snowplow at my porch and...

    I'm tired but chance of read a book,English Book
    you see.

    have a nice day..

    1. Good to hear that you can enjoy such winter days indoors.
      I hate driving on such snowy day so better stay at home, couch potatoes (o^^o)

  2. When got up in the morning today , I was surprised at snow more than 20 centimeters.
    I was hard to remove off snow around house with shovel and moms dump.
    After that、 I went to "Rakukyokan"of Iwaine hot springs in the "meeting to enjoy the day spa" of old man meeting of the town and enjoyed the hot spring.
    In the hot spring、 blue sky occasionally spreaded, and view of snow around there was great.
    It was not ”snow seeing liquor" but "snow seeing bath".

    1. What a wonderful day you had !
      A great meeting at the spa seems the most luxury to spend in winter.
      Especially you are so welcome after the labour to clean the snow.


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