


2 件のコメント:

  1. When showed a picture of blog to my wife, she said this flower is ”Christmas Rose” and these flowers are blooming in the garden of my home, too.
    If I look at garden, "Christmas Rose" with white and purple flowers was blooming.

    When I checked on the net, "Christmas Rose” originally refers to the ”Noiga” of species that blooms at Christmas time. "Orientalis" which blooms in February to March is called ”Ten Ren Rose”, because at the time of the bloom (Lent) Christian Lent. In general, collectively these are called "Christmas Rose” in Japan.

    Towards the spring, we would like to enjoy with variety of flowers in bloom.

    1. Thank you so much for the information.
      I knew the Christmad rose I have it in my garden but no flowers yet!
      I'm glad to know it.
      Please say my best regard to your wife!


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