
Toyama tulips

Toyama tulips

4 件のコメント:

  1. Bunch of tulips in blog is very lovely、and flower arrangement is also wonderful.
    Mariah always brings the beautiful flowers、it will delight us.
    I guess many kind flowers are grown in the garden of her.
    Though tulips is grown in my home too、they are a thing of very ordinary.
    Tulip named "ballerina" she brought is very nice and elegant and really like ballerina.
    By the way, I guess the name of purple tulip is "Barbados"、isn't it?

    1. Yeah...I agree! She always takes a good care of flowers and her life seems enjoying with flowers.
      I'm sorry I can't remember the other names of tulips but ballerina.

  2. Hello! I introduce the name of the flowers.
    Pink is the named Fringed-family.
    The right, a thing of blakish red is Black-hero.
    Another black is the named Black-gone-lot.
    The yellow are narcissus named the Full-house.
    It is examined with "Tulips illustrated book of Toyama" when you want to know the kinds.
    I bring up pretty various tulips from Toyama from now on.

    1. Oh...thanks for the name of tulips!
      It's so lovely ' black hero ' seems like the justice to fight against enemies as a bat man p(^_^)q


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