
Weekend quiz

Weekend quiz

2 件のコメント:

  1. In weekend quiz, my correct answer was Q1, Q3、Q4.
    Those are used easy words and I was able to understand context only by looking at the text.
    However, Q2 and Q5 use easy words but I could not understand context
    In addition、I will be very helpful by learning many English phrases collection which was featured in "gogakuru" of this blog.

    By the way yesterday, I walked about 22 km to the Oyama shrine of Iwakuraji along Joganji-river at regular meetings of walking club. During walking, I was able to watch the herd of Kibana-cosmos and various dandelion including "Uzuraba-dandelion".

    1. Wow...you really enjoy every day life so much.
      I think you are such a rich man in mind as it were " myarakumon " in Toyama dialect!!


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