
Spider VS Snake

According to Australian news a photo was shot by a man, in which a snake was dead tangled down from the web of the spider. A spider was seen on the tail of the snake.
The Australian Museum's Graham Milledge said it was possible the snake was killed by the spider but it was impossible to know for sure.

"The most likely scenario is that the snake got entangled in the spider's web," he told the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

It's so rare and mysterious photo shot!
Spider VS Snake

6 件のコメント:

  1. It is very shocking photo attached to the blog today, isn' it?
    If the snake was killed with biting by the small spider, it seems amazing.
    Will this small spider has a poison that can kill a snake?

    By the way, it was back to the winter today morning, wasn't it? I can see the beautiful scenery wearing snow in the trees of my garden.

    1. It's saying "I'm not sure if the spider killed it with poison, it probably just got caught up (in a web)."
      It's no clear explanation but the evidence....I wonder if the spider should have been taken in the court and he denied his crime, no one could judge him a murder....LOL.

  2. I don't like a snake. I couldn't catch a picture.
    Please, forgive me.
    By the way, I found two CO about a telephone and a copy machine.
    At last, I could copy my sentences.
    I can't keep up with information culture.
    The information culture is very important but I hate it.
    I am always irritated by machine.

    1. Sorry to have made you sick for the photo.
      It was very weird.
      Think about different funny things.

  3. When I watched this photograph, I didn't know what photograph it was.
    It's unbelievable that a snake hangs from a spider's web.
    Even so, this spider is big!

    By the way,
    A Grammy award of this year was decided.
    Seiji Ozawa got it in a classic section. Congratulations!
    Also Ken Watanabe was nominated. But I was sorry.
    I pray that they care to health, and to be active in the future, too.

    1. Oh...well congratulations! Seiji Ozawa. Very proud of him!


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