
May Storm

It's been very stormy for weeks.
Weather reports say "May Storm" when getting warm the cold weather crushes and battles to cause the strong storm like typhoon.
I feel it very uneasy and dangerous every day.
There were many problems caused by the storm here and there.
And it makes the matters worse that storm brings us yellow sands which contaminated with virus and poison pm2.5 from the continent.
So you should wear masks when you go out and avoid from getting sickness.

May storm
Alert of pm2.5

6 件のコメント:

  1. I need to wear mask, too.
    Recently the air is dirty.
    We get sickness when we cannot take a deep breath of fresh air.
    Let's be careful each other.
    By the way, I operated PC with great difficulty from yesterday to today.
    I tried to copy my granddaughter's picture.
    But I could not copy it.
    I could copy it before.
    I didn't understand.
    After a lot of times, I could copy it.
    Maybe, I made mistakes.

    1. Finally you did it ...,good!
      Life is a kind of always trials and errors.

  2. You are right.
    Germ attached to my throat, and I ran a fever.
    I got an antibiotic today at a hospital.
    The doctor said to me that you have physical strength, but the mask is necessities.

    By the way,
    Tomorrow early morning, our group will go to Togakushi.
    I intend to absorb the power of nature.

    1. I hope you'll recover your power soon.

  3. It have been followed to blow a strong wind really this one week.
    It have occurred the accident in Japan here and there, including Toyama.
    Especially, I was very surprised that the ferris wheel rotated by the strong wind.
    I saw such a phenomenon for first time.

    By the way, today I helped rice planting of my wife's parents home from 6 am to 6 pm,so I was very tired.
    However, I will help rice planting also tomorrow.

    1. You did a great job!
      So you'll have to work tomorrow, please take a good rest!


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