
Ume wine

I prepared to make Ume wine yesterday but it seems a bit later because the Ume got turned from green to yellow.
Ume wine

6 件のコメント:

  1. Ume wine is delicious. My wife used to make Ume wine before.
    First time she prepared Ume, rock candy and Japanese Sake without Shochu.
    So she made very sweet Ume wine. It was a good drink for me.
    But after a while, she did not make Ume wine.

    1. It's very easy and fun to make Ume wine and joy after a few months.
      But I'm very worried about the leftovers of Ume....actually I've still kept the leftover of Ume from where the bottle after Ume wine. I used some for jam or cooking but not any more. Maybe I will throw them away in the fridge from last year.....think of it wasteful and stressful, don't you?

  2. You are looking forward after three months, aren't you?
    I am impressed that you make good things for health, such as quince wine and plum wine.
    Also every year at my home, we are given a lot of ume from wife's parents home and make a plum wine and plum juice.
    We are drinking those deliciously divided by cider in the summer, plum wine after one year and plum juice after three months.

    By the way, today is fledged rain after a long absence, isn't it?
    The tree or the flower in the garden are moistened very much and come alive. It is a rain of blessing for them, isn't it?.

    1. Thanks to your Chinese quince I can keep my own wine both Ume and quince all the year.
      I make it a rule in my life so far.

  3. last year, I got Ume wine from an older sister of my husband.
    But I don't drink alcohol.
    My husband likes Sake. But he don't likes Ume wine.
    Because Ume wine is sweet.

    Because I saw your blog, I poured that Ume wine into my mouth just a little.
    Very sweet! And I feel as shaking my body.

    By the way,
    I watched "midnight English cafe" by chance on TV.
    The emcee was teaching English that to use with conversation.
    Also I found the new program for me.

    1. You mean you don't like Ume wine because it's too sweet so do your husband. You can take it as Ume sour.


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