It was Friday when Sadako was sent to the hospital by the ambulance.
She had a bad pain in her stomach the day before and had examination at the home doctor. But she got worse next day and the doctor made her sent to the hospital.
She had a detail examination at the hospital and stones were found in her gall. It makes inflammation of gallbladder.
She was forced to sleep for two days in the bed having had pain killer by the drip injection.
I was worried about her unconsciousness would come back or not then. But yesterday, after two days she comes back and can speak clearly.
This is her wit to talk with us.
" What's wrong with me? I'm now pain at all !" Said Sadako.
" You have stones in your gall and they caused injury and inflammation. So you need to take a good cure so far." I said.
" Oh well, I know everybody has stones not only me though. "
" I see, yours are now active. By the way, what color is your stone, white or black?"
" Mine is Diamond or Emerald color! ."
I couldn't help laugh and loud at her positive reply. The young nurse caring her was also gave her good comment to hear that.
" She is never be defeated."
There was a tag on her wrist
" Sadako 93 years and 8 months "
She is really loved by the good luck.

On Friday it was snowy outside.
From the restaurant at the hospital.