It's called "Before you die...."
I remember the movie "The list", the Japanese title was "Ten things which I should do before I die". It was about a young mother who was to be declared the limited life because of cancer.
She had a baby who needs a mother and good care so she had no time to waste for crying nor cursing her life but searching the way for her baby's and happy dying for herself.
She made ten lists to complete her finish"Before I die...".
Finally she made it for her baby and her husband. She found a lady as a mother and a wife both of her loved ones.
It was kind of sad but was totally happy ending because she completed her life even short.
It made me think "What is really happy?" My answer is the happiness lives in the mind how happy you create and give goodwill to others.
It might be one of the way sometimes to think about yourself deeply "What do you want to do before you die?"