
Finding the Fall today

Let's get autumn color here and there.
Let me know the beautiful spot in your neighborhood.
This is the one where I walk with my dog in my neighbor.
The big tree is very magnificent with red tiny fruits in front of the entrance.
I don't know the name.
But I found it on the web. It may be about it.

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2 件のコメント:

  1. There are many schools and big parks near my house, and there are many kinds of trees in there. But in this year, some trees have not changed the color of leaves yet or changed to not red leaves but brown ones.
    But now I can feel the fall with the sounds of fallen leaves rolling by the winds and the ones of dry pampas grasses rubbing each other.

  2. I feel sorry for the autumn color not so hilight as those last year.
    They say because of this summer's heat, too strong enough to kill them.
    That's why they are dying before their climax beauty. It totally seems pity!


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