
Why I like Benjamin Button

I watched the movie review on TV, Benjamin Button last night. It's one of my favorite movies ever seen a few years before.
It's about weird life of a man who was born 80 years old and grew younger and died 0 year old.
I felt sorry and moved with love and pathos of life in it.
I couldn't help tearing when Benjamin made up his mind to leave his family because he thought of his no worth being a good father for his daughter as he was getting younger and younger.
But I was deeply impressed with the last scene that the baby,Benjamin himself was dying in the arms of his love, Daisy
who loved Benjamin from the bottom of her heart.
I found kind of true love in it.
Life is different every person but true, pure and goodwill heart are united between the people who love each other.

2 件のコメント:

  1. It is the idea that is interesting that a child becomes senile.
    But I was sad to finish watching the movie.

  2. It was sad but I thought the couple who loved each other had to go different ways and met finally in the end of life. So I can say they finished happy life to have seen her love off.


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