It's a good choice to move to the individual apartment with care support for the aged before going into the hospital as long as being healthy.
It seems tough to apart from the familiar place where for a long time they lived. But the most important thing is to live in the rest of life how much qualified without pain and inconvenience.
That's why I promoted that Sadako should move to the care support apartment near her, which her home doctor had introduced before.
It has been a while since she applied for the residence to the apartment because they were full and no vacant room then, last year.
So she had to wait the reply from the facility.
Finally after the long que, she's got an allowance to live in the apartment.
She will soon be free from cooking, washing and other domestic things.
Good for you,
Who's there?
Ant, who?
A fool on the hill.(゚o゚;;
It is difficult to get old.
返信削除I want my life being as natural as possible. Getting old is natural and simple.
削除I hope that Mrs. Sadako will have good staffs and new wonderful friends at new her house.
返信削除Thanks for the good comment to Sadako.
削除She is now getting along with new life.
I'm glad to hear that.