
The first day of winter

It was strangely changing in a day yesterday. As a whole rainy chilly weather but for a few hours around the noon was sunny and bright. In the evening, lots of thundering effected problems in some areas.
I didn't know it was the first day of winter on the calendar until the evening news. Those thunders, as it were enlightening to winter season, informed the change of the atmosphere.
I'd like to enjoy the cold season eating hot food such as Udon or Zosui at the familiar restaurant.

4 件のコメント:

  1. Although there were some occasional sunshine, it was chilly day yesterday.
    Udon and Zosui of the photograph is so very delicious and warm.
    this restaurant is Murataya, isn't it?
    Sometimes I go to this restaurant. My favorite menu is the earthen pot containing rice cake udon.

    1. Wow...you know well about Toyama gourmet. Murataya is of course the one of them.

  2. No, I'm not familiar with the gourmet of Toyama.
    this time、 Murataya is only in the same school district and my favorite restaurant.

    1. Sounds nice of you are in the neighbor of the good restaurant.


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