
The novel recently

The calves

2 件のコメント:

  1. I was know about the existence of this novel 「Kanki-no-ko」 and Arata Tendo for the first time in this blog.
    I look on the internet immediately, and was able to read the part of the novel at the trial reading.
    This novel was written in a very unique expression, and was filled with heavy and serious atmosphere.
    I'm interested in that how this novel's conclusion reach to result of the "joy".

    1. I can't find where the joy was ... But it might be buried in the bottom of the story until the Joy of seed would go out.
      The end of the story was the significant of the bond of the brotherhood and sisterhood among them. Even they have lost their parents love their family love was strong. I guess the least of all, love and be loved each other saved their soul with Joy.


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