
The ranking

The ranking

2 件のコメント:

  1. Countries of the ranking of both are not countries which we would like to travel usually in except two or three countries.
    Also, how ”public attitudes towards ranking foreign visitors” will was dated on the basis of rankings?
    I was a little surprised at this rankings because Japan with represented by "Omotenashi" was # 74.

    By the way, very strong wind is blowing from today morning.
    When I observed a heron nest at my walking in this morning, there was two pairs of heron pairs and one single heron on the tree.

    1. I guess the ranking is made for the tourism advertisement by the promotions. We don't have to care about it.

      Thanks for the good guardian for herons.
      I saw them the same as you yesterday.
      Hope they could bring their chicks up.


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