
Cold but lovely day

A beautiful day it is!
After the first snow fall yesterday
It brought a blessed sunshine.
I hate cold but
I really enjoy the cold clear air
The lovely color, blue, white, yellow and red.
I feel the nature and warm in my heart.

4 件のコメント:

  1. It was really cold and very fine weather this morning, isn't it?
    The view in the "Kansui park" is very nice.
    But, fine weather don't long lasting because it will be raining tomorrow according to the weather forecast.

    By the way, I was surprised to hear first snow falling in Toyama yesterday.
    Winter looks like to come at a jump through the short autumn from summer.
    I am very worried that this winter will fall heavy snow.

    1. I hope it will be mountain snow this year, too.

  2. It was fine today.
    When I saw the moutains in the morning, three fourths from top were covered with snow.
    It was the first snow of the year in toyama area yesterday .It was half a month earlier.
    It might be cold this winter.

    1. It was very beautiful mountains with snow on the top.
      I like only watching the winter view!


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