
Good life

My oldest friend,Sadako 93 years old, is quite well in good health condition without pain or fear. She lives in a senior apartment with care and protected by right treatment as her level.
Recently she's got to the 2 care level. She is forgetting easily about days or events. But she is very happy because she has always full of gratitude to others, "Thank you".
She talks to me "I was given life by goodwill".
She's also loved by people.
I'm convinced good life exists in a healthy heart.

4 件のコメント:

  1. My mother, who passed away at 94 years of age to 5 years ago, lived the life like the same as Sadako in her later years.
    She had to be admitted to care facility because bedridden with femur fractured, but she has always full of gratitude to our family and others, and she was saying "thank you" like a favorite phrase with a smile.
    I also want to spend the rest of my life with having gratitude to people around like a my mother or Sadako .

    1. Same here, I also want my life full of bright and happy with blessing.

  2. I'm glad that your oldest friend Sadako is good, too.
    It's great that She lives in good health condition and healthy heart though she is 93.
    I think that the key of her long life is to say "Thank you" to others anytime.
    I would like to be like Sadake who always says "thank you".
    I hope she is good from now on.

    1. The older the clops are, the lower those heads are.....so like them.


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