
Child developing psychology

It's a big issue for parents to breed children and make them develop well. Parents tend to expect their children too much and spoil them.
According to child developing psychology, it gives us some good tips to help parents as well as supporters around children.
Everybody had a childhood and grew up having had difficulties.
Nobody has grown up without parents love or fosters care to feed or care for them. Without them children could never grow and live now.
I just thank everything around me to have given me life.
Now we adult should give love back to the next generation appropriately.
We need to learn the right things which is better than what we had.

How to develop your child well

2 件のコメント:

  1. When my children was an early age, I had entrusted with raising children solely to wife because I was "company man"
    Therefore, I have no memory or don't remember that how children grew up.
    I think I was a father disqualification.
    But, I have a great interest with my grandchildren, and as of expiation I am always watching over their growth now.

    1. You were one of those of typical fathers in old days in Japan. But nowadays modern fathers join breeding their children.


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