
Holiday quiz

English riddle

4. What animal doesn't play fair?

2 件のコメント:

  1. I don't understand answer of riddle at all also today.
    A result of checking the net as usual, I found that it is a "cheetah", because pronunciation of "Cheater" and "Cheetah" is similar.
    The English riddle of this time is very difficult because it is the answer that pronounciation of each other is similar except first time.

    By the way, it is the second half of the Golden Week from tomorrow, isn't it?
    Good weather is likely to continue in the weather forecast, but how would you spend?
    I am going to spend to watching boy baseball game of grandchildren and participation of regular meeting at walking club and rice planting help of my wife parent's home.

    1. Indeed, it's difficult for Japanese to understand English riddle especially rhyme or pronunciations.Its a kind of typical riddle in English, so learn it easy!
      I'm removing weeds and clean my garden.
      I'm planing to plant small flowers, aster, mariiegold, statice and carnation in my garden the rest of my holidays.


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