

I ate old fashioned ramen after a long while, the last I ate might be a year ago...
I really loved it and often went to eat it before.
Recently many kinds of ramen taste, tonkotsu, seafood, black and with many toppings.
I like classical soy source base and clear soup.
But I felt it a bit different from before, it seemed like less flavor than ever and 50 yen raised up to 600yen.
I'm not sure my tongue has changed or not.
I'm shocked because one of my favorite is disappearing.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Ramen shop that I go always is "Hachiban".
    Because, there are no recommended ramen shops nearby. I like soy souce vegetables ramen.
    By the way,
    Although good weather today, I haven't large laundry.
    It's a mood that was lost!

    1. Yes, it was really warm and mild Saturday.
      I went on walking around the town and sipped coffee in the afternoon.

  2. I and my husband love ramen!
    That the ramen is enough for the husband in the morning noon ,eat it and like it
    We go as soon as aromor to be delicious
    Yesterday,I and my husband went ramen shop"Kede" tonnkotu ramenn

    1. You are ramen lover, too!
      I'm not good at tonkotsu.

  3. I like also old-fashioned "Chinese noodles", but it seems to be only a little existence recently.
    The Japanese prefer very ramen, so it will appear a wide variety of ramen in recent years.

    By the way, today was very nice weather, isn't it?
    I walked 10 km to Yamada hot spring from JR Yatuo station at regular meeting of walking club.
    After walking, we enjoyed hot spring bathing.

    1. It was very good day for walking.
      I also enjoyed walking for hours in the afternoon.

  4. I like ramen too.
    I have an urge for ramen.
    I like a Tonkotu soap still.
    But it sits heavy on my stomach.According to aging,my stomach is revolting oily foods.

    1. I'd better prefer Tanmen full of vegetable to ones of Chashumen with pork special.


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