
A little prince

A baby is a king's child so he (or she) is to be a prince (or princess).
A baby is to be treated like a king's child and parents are servants.
I think life is really mysterious because I feel thankful for the ancients and also great gladness from the new born life.
All life around me seems to be linked and live together now and on, from the past as well.
I can see the gorgeous life behind the little prince.
I appreciate to meet the prince finally.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I think it seem to that you are feeling also loneliness as Mr.Muir said yesterday.
    It has too far to Perth!

    1. Actually I'm feeing comfortable with the distance and break of my grandson. I'm looking forward to seeing him next time.

  2. My granddaughter was born in my home after an interval of seven years in last January, and all the families were very pleased.
    Since then, she became a lovely princess of my home and the life of my home came to unfold led by her.
    I live together with two princes and a princess, but you will become lonely because your prince returns to his house soon. I understand feelings to love for your grandson well.

    1. Thank you for the concern with me.
      I'm having a good time with my daughter and the grandson for the last night in the hotel Haneda.


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