
An aging society

The plan of the government for the serious aging society is declared that elder people in the areas of urban town in Tokyo have better had a choice to move to the local districts such convenient cities as Hakodate, Aomori, Toyama, Fukui, Okayama, Matsuyama and Kitakyushu, which seem to have high quality of life support.
I'm afraid of it might be a kind of "the mountain where old people were abandoned like in the legend of Japan", isn't it?
The plan for an aging society

6 件のコメント:

  1. I think this phenomenon is defect of nursing-care insurance system.
    It became not want to planning the manegement of facility. Alone in Toyama prefecture, people of more than 2000 are waiting for order of facility.
    By the way, This comment was going to speak today in the class....
    Professional of cleaning Ms.Niitsu, it was broadcast on NHK TV program "The professional's skills "
    She says " I'm cleaning craftsman".
    She is supporting the cleaning of Haneda Airport. Haneda airport was chosen in the " Most clean airport in the world " for the second consecutive year.
    I want to see how to remove the bathroom mold and I saw this program.
    But, I was impressed to see the attitude towards her cleaning.
    Haneda airport, It's " clean is usually", I took think lightly.
    But, from now on, If I met a staff of cleaning, I'm going to say " Thank you very much!" sincerely.

    1. Oh...I'm sorry to have missed your speech today!
      Hope you'll be open mind to give speech next week.

  2. I can't agree that a senior citizen in metropolitan area moves to a local city only by the purpose for which a nursing home is used.
    I'm also afraid of it might be a kind of "the mountain where old people were abandoned like in the legend of Japan".
    Overconcentration ization in metropolitan area is a big problem of course, and I think it's very important generally to advance local dispersion in the early stages.

    By the way, it was cool a little with a rainy day from the afternoon today, isn't it?
    There are regular meeting of walking club tomorrow and I'd like to join, so I want to be good weather tomorrow.

    1. It was not a good day for the laundry today but good for the plants because of water is needed to them.
      I tried to plant the imperial dahlia which I was given by Jan today.

  3. I feel that the institution for aged people of our city has increasing than before.
    Toyama is beautiful and nice town surely.
    Not only urban town but also local districts will occur the aging society problem.
    I have doubts about the plan of goverment.
    I hope the aged people will be feel happy and enjoy and easy at every district.

    1. I'm also worried old people would not like to move to the different place from their unfamiliar town even they need to be cared.
      I hope government should think more about mental health of elders.


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