
Giving name

I've often heard of "kirakira name " as recent baby name. It's not like old ones ○○子 or ○○郎.
What's Kirakira name ?
Then what about kirakira?
Kirakira name list
But I've known the "shiwashiwa name" for the first time.
What's that?
You'll know how hard to name for babies.
Kirakira or Shiwashiwa?

6 件のコメント:

  1. I heard both "Kirakira name" and "Sihiwashiwa name" for the first time.
    I think the child not to be the possession of the parent.
    Therefore I think that you should think about a child spending the life by the name.
    Am I who think like that a human being of an old thought?

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    1. Recent fad is very ridiculous to name children like fashion and animation hero and heroine but it's said from the globalization because their kirakira name would be easy to called in the world as well as Kanji meaning. Name is the first and bringing up their children to grow up is the main work for parents. Wishing their well grown is the parents must thing.

  2. I think "kirakira name" and "shiwashiwa" to be the ego of the parent.

    1. I know Atom or Saira among my kids' friends.....but I don't know how they are grown up and having children already now.

  3. I am sorry but the following sentence was missing in my reply.

    The name of children or grandchildren has been decided basically by those parents in my home.
    The name of our children are the extremely common name of "Daisuke"
    and "Ayako".
    In addition, the name of three grandchildren are "Yuichiro", "Keijiro", "Misato" and those are not hesitate about how to call a name.

    1. Name is very important for the meaning and calling.
      Given name shows somehow impression.


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