
Gorgeous mountain view

It was brilliant sunny and beautiful yesterday. It really seemed like a gift and so appreciated from the sky.
The great range of Mt.Tate was awesome.
My dear friend John sent me the gorgeous view and let it share with us. Thank you John for the great scene.

4 件のコメント:

  1. It was really splendid weather at daylong from morning yesterday, isn't it?
    Thank you to introduce my photo on your blog.
    The scenery of Tateyama mountain range covered by the white snow of this season is really splendid, isn't it?
    I think that this scenery can be proud in the world, of course Japan.

    [For your information]
    By the way, you will be able to see the more big photo if you are left-click photo of blog.

    1. Thank you for the information.
      I hope every one who looks at this photo will feel great and how wonderful resort it is!

  2. The winter's Mt. Tate that looks the weather is nice day is very beautiful.
    I'm not tired of doing even if I look all day.

    By the way,
    Yahoo news was written that a man died by an excessive intake of caffeine.
    It is unbelievable news.
    i wonder we will become a caffeine poisoning when intake of how much caffeine?

    1. Really?
      I'm not knowing about the news over taking caffeine brought death of the man.
      I'll look for carefully.


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