
A brave woman

It's so amazing video here.
I suppose that any one wouldn't see it without having great fear.
What do you think of this video?
I ask you to explain it.
A brave woman

7 件のコメント:

  1. It's a great video. I want to get a ”ウルトラクラッシュ”,too.
    This is because it needs to prevent phenomena of my aging.
    But I cannot buy it. I think that My wife want to get it.

  2. I think situation that was taken in this video is the trick because the cobra movement is linearly and too fast. In addition, movement of shadow of the beside person to this woman and the laughter of surrounding people are proved it.
    The moment when saw this video we will be surprised, but everyone will think it is a queer immediately.

    1. You're right!
      It's a trick to surprise people.
      Actually it's making scene to surprise the woman by using fishing reel and rubber snake cobra.
      It was broadcasted at TokudaneLOL

  3. This is an unbelievable video.
    Is this snake her pet?
    But the snake lifts a sickle neck and rush toward her.
    The speed of the snake is very fast.
    I wonder this snake may be a robot.

    By the way,
    I went to the first concert this year yesterday.
    It is "Vienna salon orchestra".
    I met a classmate in a meeting place.
    I'm poor to learn the name and the face of the person.
    Although her name is not certain, she might be Olivia.
    But I'm sorry if I was wrong.

    One of the aims of this year is to acquire a way to memorize the name of the person.

    1. You had a very good opportunity in the beginning of the year.
      Hmmm I slightly remember the name of Olivia.

  4. I found mistake in a comment.
    I should write a "venue" rather than "meeting place".


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