Yesterday, it was very clear the air. So,I could see to Noto Peninsula from Sinminato Ohasi. In addition, the east side is could see to Uozu or Kurobe direction. I live in the countryside. But, I think looking at such a landscape, that it was good to live in the countryside.
I helped the rice harvest work of my wife's parents home a week ago, and at that time I was able to see the wonderful scenery that was dyed to golden as far as the eye can see under blue sky and white clouds. This is a wonderful nature of autumn in Japan.
By the way, I went to watch and cheer the baseball game of my grandchildren all day also today. There was a game of younger grandson in the morning, and he played an active part in the pitcher and won. And there was a game of older grandson in the afternoon, and he played an active part in three hits and two steals and won. I was proud of them and was satisfied very much.
It seems the country.
返信削除Fall is here, but we still have hot summer weather.
Tomorrow will be cloudy with some rain.
Today it was said to be rainy Sinday but it changed to be cloudy and no rain. It's somehow lucky gift to me.
削除Yesterday, it was very clear the air.
返信削除So,I could see to Noto Peninsula from Sinminato Ohasi.
In addition, the east side is could see to Uozu or Kurobe direction.
I live in the countryside.
But, I think looking at such a landscape, that it was good to live in the countryside.
Today was unexpectedly fine luckily. I washed summer clothes quickly.
削除I helped the rice harvest work of my wife's parents home a week ago, and at that time I was able to see the wonderful scenery that was dyed to golden as far as the eye can see under blue sky and white clouds. This is a wonderful nature of autumn in Japan.
返信削除By the way, I went to watch and cheer the baseball game of my grandchildren all day also today.
There was a game of younger grandson in the morning, and he played an active part in the pitcher and won.
And there was a game of older grandson in the afternoon, and he played an active part in three hits and two steals and won. I was proud of them and was satisfied very much.
That's the most pleasant in your life to see your lovely grandkids growing well!