
How to sleep well

I'm surprised to find snow fallen in the garden this morning. Finally white carpet covers the ground.

Things changed color from red, yellow, dark orange and brown to winter white and grey.
It sounds like time for sleep or rest of life. I'm also having winter holiday. So everyone have a good rest!

How to sleep well

6 件のコメント:

  1. The position when I sleep is supine.
    But the TV program said the supine was bad for the back.
    So, I want to turn to the right or to the left, but when I am asleep don't know about my pose.
    I want a mat that can sense the situation of the body and turn my body.

    1. I'm not sure which pose is better or the best but worth for trying.

  2. The "how to sleep well" attached to today's blog is very interesting, isn't it?
    In this article, it is said that left facing posture is better when sleeping, but I have heard before that right facing posture is better because it don't oppress the heart. I wonder which one is correct?
    In any case, I am sleeping in a supine position.

    1. As you say so it's not clear based on medical proof. So I can't tell it for sure...as long as I had heard about that to make your heart down is good for health...but I don't have it for certain.

  3. Sorry! I forgot it. good night!


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