
Woman's talk

Life is full of interesting and unexpected things in it. You can make it good or bad by yourself. Whether you feel it happy or not it's up to you not judged by others.
So it's said life is sometimes sweet but mostly hard, bitter and tough. This is a woman's talk who had been struggled her life but now she shows smile in her face. She is a great mother.

Woman's talk

8 件のコメント:

  1. Mothers are strong, aren't they?
    But men and husbands are weak.
    I think so, too.
    I become executive of apartment house from today, so I will become busy.
    So for two years I'd like to live my life slowly.

    1. It's so exciting and busy season at the beginning of the new term in Japan.

  2. Mother is really strong, is not it?
    I think that women are more strong-minded than men if they are driven into a corner.

    By the way,
    A lot of petals were gathering beside the road when passing through a row of cherry blossom trees.
    The pink petals were as long as like the flow of the river.
    And, The "weeping cherry " in my neighborhood has beautiful flowers this year as well.
    Now the season of Japan is very calm and beautiful.

    1. It's so nice to walk and drive today. I went to vote early in the morning may be the first 4th at the place because the manager explained us the empty box and locked before putting the sheets. And then I went on driving to the east to take lunch.

  3. Probably,She has lived a life of hard ship. Therefore she became strong
    I think that person can do it best for a beloved and quite frustrated
    mother is stlong!

    Today,Toyama city mayor and councilor election.
    the polls place is near elementary school,It difficulties choose candidate,Becouse I didn't know these candidate.

    1. I hope next Mayor and city politicians are good enough to work hard for citizens not for themselves.

  4. She was a big star in the songs world of past when I was young, wasn't she?
    She was a bob haircut when she debuted, and her figure singing her debut song "Teacher" was very childlike.
    It is worth praising that such a girl came back to the entertainment world and raised the three sons to a fine person while passing the suffering life such as marriage, retirement, childbirth and divorce.

    By the way, today was very hot weather like summer. Also today there was a baseball game of my grandson and my family went to baseball stadium to cheer him. His team won and became the best 4. He made a big success and contributed to victory also today.
    Next week on Saturday and Sunday, semifinals and victory game will be held at Toyama Alpen stadium.

    1. Your family is doing well to raise good sons and grandsons. Your grandchildren are very happy!


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