I've known a man who immigrated to Japanese after he had lived in Japan for more than 20 years and he really got to like Japan and made up his mind to throw away his Chinese nationality.
I was searching his website and checked one of his books.
I finally found two books of him at the library which were both discussion about Japan with other two immigrants from Taiwan and Korea.
The books are ' Traitors ' and ' Japanese Immigrants '
They are Seki Hei from China, Kou Bunyu from Taiwan and Oo Son Fa from Korea.
They talked a lot about Asian history, each different custom, education, and their own biography.
The three foreigners from Asia seem like' traitors' who fell in love with Japan because they became Japanese but I found braveness and real broad mind who will be expected to be the bridges between the different cultures.
They frankly described their opinion of the bad point of their mother countries and really worried about the future of the mutual relationship with Japan.
All of them are already admire Japanese culture and Japanese life.
From their view, Japan has a soft animism which could lead Asian with old and new waves and technology. Without Japan no China, no Taiwan, no Korea and no other Asian countries now.
But two of the countries, China and Korea don't take it but they hate progressive Japan above them and blame the post war. They think Japan should be inferior country to them because of the history, Japan had been effected by the civilization of China and Korea far from the ancient days.
Anyway,the three immigrant Japanese are saying that Japan is very wonderful country.
I feel like confident of being Japanese after reading these books.

I think when the world is flat today and the globe becomes a mingle of culture with all nations moving around everyday, keep influencing each other.....it's very common for people to immigrant to a country they like to stay. Recently, a Canadian who has been living in Hong Kong for over 20 years, decided to give up his Canadian nationality for a mainland China passport and nationality ! It seems hard to understand but as soon as one is happy, it's the best. ^^