I'm very frustrated!
I searched on the net and found some solutions but It doesn't work to me.
I need help to answer me how to solve the problem?
I can't change the storage service provider picasa album to my own.
Is it possible If I remove the app from iPad and iPhone and reinstall and set again? I was very confused with the instructions to choose the album when I set the web album.
Please help meヽ(;▽;)ノ

Refer to these sites. However, in Japanese
返信削除Thanks....but in which site?
返信削除It`s both.
返信削除I've searched and checked almost all sites both English and Japanese ...and sent mails to some geniuses.
返信削除As a result, I can't find the way to make it through, so I'm thinking if I delete the app and reset from the beginning. But it would be the last for me.
Anyway, thanks for the reply.