There was the final match to entry the national senior high school baseball tournament between Shinminato high school and the high school attached to the Kokusai University.
It was so exciting and moving game.
At the end of the eighth Shinminato was 2 points behind Kokusai. When they started to the game the manager Mori said to the players that he had also had the same situation 2 points behind the game 31years before at the final match but his team had won a come-from-behind victory.
It made the team encouraged and the pitcher Hakamatani took it deep inside and he made the first step for a come-from-behind victory.
In summer final match 1980 he played the role of a pitcher. In the team mate Hakamatani played the role of cleanup hitter. They finally could entry the national high school baseball game.
Hakamatani was dead 4 years ago when his son was in junior high school. He really wanted to take his son to the national high school baseball called 'Koshien'.
Mori talked about the game
' The pitcher Hakamatani was very painful body from the hard pitching getting treatment of drip injection but fortunatelly rain made 2days delay. I wonder it might be his deed from the heaven.'
I'm very glad to find the heartwarming news among the heartbreaking.
-- iPhoneから送信
Which disaster?
I'm very confused heavy rain attached North West Japan and many houses and cars were drifted. Hundred thousands of people had to take refuge.
I found no word for that cruel disaster. Just wondering why so many disasters happen in Japan!
I can't tell why but better to avoid next disasters…one after another.
We never forget natural disasters are near us but human disasters are also with us.
They occur complicated to annoy us.
Our life should be altered to fit in nature by stopping destroying nature.
But our modern life needs to construct roads and buildings invading nature.
We should know humans' profit is not profitable but harmful to the nature.
We can't live without cultivated artificial life but natural disaster itself caused by human disaster…I think.
I found no word for that cruel disaster. Just wondering why so many disasters happen in Japan!
I can't tell why but better to avoid next disasters…one after another.
We never forget natural disasters are near us but human disasters are also with us.
They occur complicated to annoy us.
Our life should be altered to fit in nature by stopping destroying nature.
But our modern life needs to construct roads and buildings invading nature.
We should know humans' profit is not profitable but harmful to the nature.
We can't live without cultivated artificial life but natural disaster itself caused by human disaster…I think.
Cold summer
It's reported rainy clouds come around above Japan, especially North East and North part of the main land.
Actually we have been often attacked by the sudden heavy rain fall called 'Guerrilla downpour in the afternoon. Though we had been familiar to the evening squall, recent Guerrilla is not said to be the same as the usual summer shower in the evening.
I'm not sure enough to understand the difference between the Guerrilla pour and the evening squall in summer. But these rapid rain fall brings cold summer while reduces the number of heat stroke people. But it will cause other damages. For example, about the bad harvests in fall, more serious problems will happen.
We need to watch out the food production and the price will rise.
The most important thing that I can do is not to waste food. If we ignore the bad situation and waste food,our life will be more and more dangerous to survive.
I think it's end of the mass production and mass consumption and take and eat moderately instead.

Actually we have been often attacked by the sudden heavy rain fall called 'Guerrilla downpour in the afternoon. Though we had been familiar to the evening squall, recent Guerrilla is not said to be the same as the usual summer shower in the evening.
I'm not sure enough to understand the difference between the Guerrilla pour and the evening squall in summer. But these rapid rain fall brings cold summer while reduces the number of heat stroke people. But it will cause other damages. For example, about the bad harvests in fall, more serious problems will happen.
We need to watch out the food production and the price will rise.
The most important thing that I can do is not to waste food. If we ignore the bad situation and waste food,our life will be more and more dangerous to survive.
I think it's end of the mass production and mass consumption and take and eat moderately instead.

My favorite place
Good coffee and old-fashioned decors make me at home.
When I really want to take a good taste of coffee I surely sit on the law sofa and order 'hotsandset', and it's served grilled sandwich and coffee. It fills my stomach moderately. Most of all, it's only ¥600 although a cup of coffee ¥400.
I ask for another cup of coffee at last and I pay ¥1,000 all for it.
I buy before and after lunch having good time there.

-- iPhoneから送信
When I really want to take a good taste of coffee I surely sit on the law sofa and order 'hotsandset', and it's served grilled sandwich and coffee. It fills my stomach moderately. Most of all, it's only ¥600 although a cup of coffee ¥400.
I ask for another cup of coffee at last and I pay ¥1,000 all for it.
I buy before and after lunch having good time there.

-- iPhoneから送信
To get heal from the nature
The well known female montaineer Junko Tabei gave a lecture,
" Life is full of excitement at the final less than two steps to the top."
She uses a metaphor as a mountaineer to compare with mountaineering and life.
She has got to the summits of the seven continents all her career of life since the first Japanese female climber of the Mt.Everest in 1975.
She is now planning a party to climb Mt. Northern Alps and Mt. Tate inviting the families who got disaster in Fukushima by the big earthquake.
She expects those parents and children could get power from the nature and make impressive memory in their life.
She told in the speech
" Nature has great power. I hope they can get energy from the Mt.Tate and make their days brightly."
I respect her view of life such as living with nature and going through into nature.
seeing the clouds below in the mountain
" Life is full of excitement at the final less than two steps to the top."
She uses a metaphor as a mountaineer to compare with mountaineering and life.
She has got to the summits of the seven continents all her career of life since the first Japanese female climber of the Mt.Everest in 1975.
She is now planning a party to climb Mt. Northern Alps and Mt. Tate inviting the families who got disaster in Fukushima by the big earthquake.
She expects those parents and children could get power from the nature and make impressive memory in their life.
She told in the speech
" Nature has great power. I hope they can get energy from the Mt.Tate and make their days brightly."
I respect her view of life such as living with nature and going through into nature.
seeing the clouds below in the mountain
Heavy rain and flood warming
The weather forecast is warning there will be heavy rain and flood might be caused. The most worrisome is the area where the big earthquakes attacked.
Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate are warned by the heavy rain and flood as well as my area, Toyama.
But we are OK because we were not damaged by the earthquakes at that time but but those the East Japan facing the Pacific Ocean seem very terrible if they were knocked down by the bad flood after the huge disaster.
I pray for their safe and harmless life from the bad weather.
We will never end to produce hope until hopeless will die.

-- iPadから送信
Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate are warned by the heavy rain and flood as well as my area, Toyama.
But we are OK because we were not damaged by the earthquakes at that time but but those the East Japan facing the Pacific Ocean seem very terrible if they were knocked down by the bad flood after the huge disaster.
I pray for their safe and harmless life from the bad weather.
We will never end to produce hope until hopeless will die.
-- iPadから送信
A survivor from the ancient
I sometimes saw something quick rush with long tail when I worked in the garden. It always escaped immediately and disappear at once. But this time, I found it stay still on the wall and never went away even I approached to it taking photos. It was lucky for me to observe it for a moment. It's a lizard.
I just wanted such mysterious life would live long. I don't want to bother their lives to keep going on.
As they are great older life than ours, human beings is still new compared to them.
We should share the land peacefully. Don't you think so?

-- iPhoneから送信
I just wanted such mysterious life would live long. I don't want to bother their lives to keep going on.
As they are great older life than ours, human beings is still new compared to them.
We should share the land peacefully. Don't you think so?

-- iPhoneから送信
Special event in summer
There was an annual fire work event in a small town.
I happened to go by the area where the fire works could be seen in the dark sky. They were kinds of art works both visual and audio.
Not only the thundering sound of the fire works but the singing songs by the frogs in the rice field. It was funny and easy seeing and hearing on the midsummer night but it was cool like in early autumn outside.
-- iPhoneから送信
I happened to go by the area where the fire works could be seen in the dark sky. They were kinds of art works both visual and audio.
Not only the thundering sound of the fire works but the singing songs by the frogs in the rice field. It was funny and easy seeing and hearing on the midsummer night but it was cool like in early autumn outside.
-- iPhoneから送信
The tracks of MA ON
Typhoon Ma ON the 6th curved to the East of the Pacific Ocean and went along to the northern East Cost Japan.
It was not 'Margon' but 'MA ON' from the name of the mountain in Hong Kong.
We were very lucky that it avoided to attack mainland of Japan.
It's still active slowly going up and observed hot air, making Japan cool down at last.
It was really strange temperature went down around 25C in the day time.
I could stay at home or in a car without AC. I felt even cold in the evening and wore the long sleeves and pants last night!
It's said the summer heat will come back soon.
But I'm afraid so much big change of the temperature in a short period will cause problems to the nature as well as human bodies.
Anyway....we need to survive better and stay healthier as possible.

-- iPadから送信
It was not 'Margon' but 'MA ON' from the name of the mountain in Hong Kong.
We were very lucky that it avoided to attack mainland of Japan.
It's still active slowly going up and observed hot air, making Japan cool down at last.
It was really strange temperature went down around 25C in the day time.
I could stay at home or in a car without AC. I felt even cold in the evening and wore the long sleeves and pants last night!
It's said the summer heat will come back soon.
But I'm afraid so much big change of the temperature in a short period will cause problems to the nature as well as human bodies.
Anyway....we need to survive better and stay healthier as possible.
-- iPadから送信
Finding a golden face
I happened to find a golden big fish in the small river on one of the walking course.
It was a little awful but a funny face. It gave me only one shutter chance and never turned back to me.
I remember that fish with the face looking like humans were at the hot news years ago.
Close to watch its face, does it remind you of your acquaintance?

-- iPhoneから送信
It was a little awful but a funny face. It gave me only one shutter chance and never turned back to me.
I remember that fish with the face looking like humans were at the hot news years ago.
Close to watch its face, does it remind you of your acquaintance?

-- iPhoneから送信
’Lion' has come
Apple has finally released 'OS X Lion' today in Japan.
This morning I woke up hearing the voice of a cuckoo at 5:00am.
It seems like an alarm for the new os launched.
Without deep consideration, I downloaded it and installed in my Mac book.
It took rather period of time than I had expected. So I was worried during the suspension just the signing 'installing' more than an hour or was long before the suppot desk would open.
I don't know whether the long suspension to install, because of the big data or the busy line.
After all I finished to set up my pc for 2 hours.
Anyway,I'm excited to use the new OS, Lion. I'm sure I could have 'Lion Heart.'
I used sing that song that
" I was born to protect you.
You'll be amazed but I'm always beside you.
Seeing your face asleep
Lion Heart is turned on you."

-- iPhoneから送信
This morning I woke up hearing the voice of a cuckoo at 5:00am.
It seems like an alarm for the new os launched.
Without deep consideration, I downloaded it and installed in my Mac book.
It took rather period of time than I had expected. So I was worried during the suspension just the signing 'installing' more than an hour or was long before the suppot desk would open.
I don't know whether the long suspension to install, because of the big data or the busy line.
After all I finished to set up my pc for 2 hours.
Anyway,I'm excited to use the new OS, Lion. I'm sure I could have 'Lion Heart.'
I used sing that song that
" I was born to protect you.
You'll be amazed but I'm always beside you.
Seeing your face asleep
Lion Heart is turned on you."

-- iPhoneから送信
Nadeshiko power
The Nadeshiko Japan coach, Norio Sasaki says about the team's victory.
' The Nadeshiko Power ' has been built up and it's proved in front of us now.
They were poor enough to keep trying soccer players but each of them was working hard and possessed potential to win the goal of the top.
Sasaki was a good coach for them to get over the difficulties and support them even the non regular players.
He also never gave up giving each player to get along each other and laugh via his Oyagi gag( which is the way Japanese old men tend to make jokes )
I'm impressed with their great team work, which was led by his good coaching.
It's said that coaching women players is very difficult even by a woman.
Of course the good coaching doesn't matter the sex but the human nature.
He is one of the humanists who can respect and admire goddess and one of the rare persons who can get a golden ax from her.

-- iPadから送信
' The Nadeshiko Power ' has been built up and it's proved in front of us now.
They were poor enough to keep trying soccer players but each of them was working hard and possessed potential to win the goal of the top.
Sasaki was a good coach for them to get over the difficulties and support them even the non regular players.
He also never gave up giving each player to get along each other and laugh via his Oyagi gag( which is the way Japanese old men tend to make jokes )
I'm impressed with their great team work, which was led by his good coaching.
It's said that coaching women players is very difficult even by a woman.
Of course the good coaching doesn't matter the sex but the human nature.
He is one of the humanists who can respect and admire goddess and one of the rare persons who can get a golden ax from her.
-- iPadから送信
Typhoon Margon is coming up
The sixth typhoon called Margon arrived southern west Japan, Shikoku now.
It will go to Northern east Japan. Tomorrow morning 20 July, most of mainland of Japan except Hokkaido will be rainy by the influence of the typhoon.
It's said that our area will be hot around 36 C because of a foehn phenomena.
We will not be affected by the strong storm but high temperature by Margon.
Yesterday was the Marine day. People start to enjoy sea water during summer.
But very careful not to approach the dangerous beach when the typhoon is up coming.
We'd better stay at home turning on AC or going out somewhere cool inside.
Only a month and a half ago I felt cold and wore thickly but now can't do even a pair of thin socks.
I'm sure it will come that I need Jackets and pants soon after a month.
I will enjoy the hotness in a short period of summer.

It will go to Northern east Japan. Tomorrow morning 20 July, most of mainland of Japan except Hokkaido will be rainy by the influence of the typhoon.
It's said that our area will be hot around 36 C because of a foehn phenomena.
We will not be affected by the strong storm but high temperature by Margon.
Yesterday was the Marine day. People start to enjoy sea water during summer.
But very careful not to approach the dangerous beach when the typhoon is up coming.
We'd better stay at home turning on AC or going out somewhere cool inside.
Only a month and a half ago I felt cold and wore thickly but now can't do even a pair of thin socks.
I'm sure it will come that I need Jackets and pants soon after a month.
I will enjoy the hotness in a short period of summer.

Nadeshiko Japan!
The greatest news that Nadeshiko Japan won the final at the FIFA World Cup.
It gives us super power and great pleasure.
They are very strong but the most patient and elegant like Nadeshiko flower.
It makes me inspire to bring dreams up however hard it might be.
Thank you Nadeshiko for the memorial good play and spirit.

-- iPhoneから送信
It gives us super power and great pleasure.
They are very strong but the most patient and elegant like Nadeshiko flower.
It makes me inspire to bring dreams up however hard it might be.
Thank you Nadeshiko for the memorial good play and spirit.

-- iPhoneから送信
A new face in the morning
I see many faces in the morning.
Most of them are birds, crows, sparrows and doves and etc. I happen to see swallows flying high in my neighbor which I thought they had already gone with their new born babies. I'm not sure their journey was delayed or not. Just wishing their safety trip and come back again next season.
After when I finished walking and watered in the garden, I met a new face this season.
I wonder if he or she might be a new born baby or not. But it's mysterious there is no rice fields nor ponds where frogs seem to inhabit around near my house.
How come he appears in my garden?
It makes me imagine a lot about the life of the tiny green frog.
Wild life will never be known and it should be protected forever.
So it's my imagination that he might have enchanted and made a frog. Can I help him to be back a prince?
Where are you from?
Most of them are birds, crows, sparrows and doves and etc. I happen to see swallows flying high in my neighbor which I thought they had already gone with their new born babies. I'm not sure their journey was delayed or not. Just wishing their safety trip and come back again next season.
After when I finished walking and watered in the garden, I met a new face this season.
I wonder if he or she might be a new born baby or not. But it's mysterious there is no rice fields nor ponds where frogs seem to inhabit around near my house.
How come he appears in my garden?
It makes me imagine a lot about the life of the tiny green frog.
Wild life will never be known and it should be protected forever.
So it's my imagination that he might have enchanted and made a frog. Can I help him to be back a prince?
Where are you from?
Cicadas' singing
I could finally hear the voice of cicadas' along the river side, green leaves big trees were standing beautifully.
At around 4:00 pm in the afternoon I stopped my car and walked hearing the songs by them.
I wonder why the water in the river was muddy brown………it hasn't been rainy for a while.
I don't know what makes water impure.
Every creature wants clean water and air which are great gift from the nature.
We shouldn't pollute wonderful gift. Give them back to purify themselves.
I hope you can hear the sound but this video doesn't have clear sound…sorry.
At around 4:00 pm in the afternoon I stopped my car and walked hearing the songs by them.
I wonder why the water in the river was muddy brown………it hasn't been rainy for a while.
I don't know what makes water impure.
Every creature wants clean water and air which are great gift from the nature.
We shouldn't pollute wonderful gift. Give them back to purify themselves.
I hope you can hear the sound but this video doesn't have clear sound…sorry.
to avoid heat stroke 2
Good morning everyone!
I'm very happy coz I have no headache this morning.
It's really wonderful without pain, released from worries.
I recognize it important to pay attention to keep yourself healthy before going to see a doctor.
Please make it done while it's small.
I think it a golden rule.
Sickness is from disorder of the both physical and mental so you can handle to balance by yourself for the first stage. But you missed the sign of the small disorder and noticed it grown illness, you should ask a doctor.
Doctors will give you treatments but not CURE.
It's you that lead you to cure yourself.
I always have responsibility for my state of health.

-- iPhoneから送信
I'm very happy coz I have no headache this morning.
It's really wonderful without pain, released from worries.
I recognize it important to pay attention to keep yourself healthy before going to see a doctor.
Please make it done while it's small.
I think it a golden rule.
Sickness is from disorder of the both physical and mental so you can handle to balance by yourself for the first stage. But you missed the sign of the small disorder and noticed it grown illness, you should ask a doctor.
Doctors will give you treatments but not CURE.
It's you that lead you to cure yourself.
I always have responsibility for my state of health.

-- iPhoneから送信
To avoid heat stroke during night
I felt headache for the past both two days when I woke up in the morning.
I've started early morning walk since last weekend. I found it was very cool and dim outside but getting warmer and brighter made me love the morning very much. So I like to start my day with morning walk with my dog...I make it my summer special event.
I wonder why I had a headache in the morning and I guessed it was coolness in the morning that caused my neck and shoulder ache.
I tried to wear towel around the neck when I went to sleep last night but it was not effective but I even have a slight headache this morning again.
I searched problems about my headache on the Internet...and finally found the good site for it.
It is " You can get heat stroke even while sleeping at night "
It's saying that least
1. Cool your room lower than your temperature to set AC or fan to remove heat.
2. Drink water sometimes when you were awake at night or drink enough water before going to bed.
I hate AC or fan during night so I just going to bed in a warm room letting the windows open without clothes nor summer futon just beside, lying bamboo sheets. It was okay before midsummer night but recently the room was warm by the extreme heat during the day like a pot more than temperature.
I know it made me caused headache, so I will make my room cold with AC on around 28C degree before going to bed today!
I need to hold beverage on the side table, too.
I never want a bad headache when I wake up.
I will report it later soon.
To avoid heat stroke
-- iPadから送信
I've started early morning walk since last weekend. I found it was very cool and dim outside but getting warmer and brighter made me love the morning very much. So I like to start my day with morning walk with my dog...I make it my summer special event.
I wonder why I had a headache in the morning and I guessed it was coolness in the morning that caused my neck and shoulder ache.
I tried to wear towel around the neck when I went to sleep last night but it was not effective but I even have a slight headache this morning again.
I searched problems about my headache on the Internet...and finally found the good site for it.
It is " You can get heat stroke even while sleeping at night "
It's saying that least
1. Cool your room lower than your temperature to set AC or fan to remove heat.
2. Drink water sometimes when you were awake at night or drink enough water before going to bed.
I hate AC or fan during night so I just going to bed in a warm room letting the windows open without clothes nor summer futon just beside, lying bamboo sheets. It was okay before midsummer night but recently the room was warm by the extreme heat during the day like a pot more than temperature.
I know it made me caused headache, so I will make my room cold with AC on around 28C degree before going to bed today!
I need to hold beverage on the side table, too.
I never want a bad headache when I wake up.
I will report it later soon.
To avoid heat stroke
-- iPadから送信
use of solar power
The sun is shining strong and powerful in summer.
Some plants and flowers that had endured over the winter coldness are dying and disappearing in the garden.
Instead, summer plants enjoy soaking the summer light and heat.
It's perfect natural creature.
They adapt to nature and reverse lives.
I prefer summer to winter because I was born in early summer. It's said that you can feel comfortable as the same season as your birthday.
It's embeded in your gene...believe it or not, think of it.
I've been making burdock tea for a year. It's one of the healthy home made bevarages.
To make it, the solar power is inevitable. Strong Sun heat makes it dry to tea leaves fast, that's why I love summer heat.
I make use of solar power for special herb tea a lot.

drying under the Sun
-- iPhoneから送信
Some plants and flowers that had endured over the winter coldness are dying and disappearing in the garden.
Instead, summer plants enjoy soaking the summer light and heat.
It's perfect natural creature.
They adapt to nature and reverse lives.
I prefer summer to winter because I was born in early summer. It's said that you can feel comfortable as the same season as your birthday.
It's embeded in your gene...believe it or not, think of it.
I've been making burdock tea for a year. It's one of the healthy home made bevarages.
To make it, the solar power is inevitable. Strong Sun heat makes it dry to tea leaves fast, that's why I love summer heat.
I make use of solar power for special herb tea a lot.

drying under the Sun
-- iPhoneから送信
the Sunset at 7:00pm
a drop of water
morning walk
I start to walk early at 5:00am with my dog. My summer time will go on for 7 weeks.
It's getting brighter and warmer as going on the way.
It makes me curious finding something interesting in the quiet fresh air.
I found a morning 'RENDEVOUS' of two crows on the roof.
One of them is very caring for the other one.
Is it the season of love?
It's getting brighter and warmer as going on the way.
It makes me curious finding something interesting in the quiet fresh air.
I found a morning 'RENDEVOUS' of two crows on the roof.
One of them is very caring for the other one.
Is it the season of love?
Rainy Season's over
Japan Weather Assoc. annaunced the East and West of the middle part of main land including Hokuriku, which is my area have got summer time today.
we have this summer two weeks earlier than usual year, it says.
But I have not yet heard of cicadas' singing as usual.
I feel like strange of this year extremely changing hot and cool.
It caused my allergy with frequent sneeze and runny nose.
I'm afraid that strange weather affected the lives that are going to live only for one summer time.

-- iPhoneから送信
we have this summer two weeks earlier than usual year, it says.
But I have not yet heard of cicadas' singing as usual.
I feel like strange of this year extremely changing hot and cool.
It caused my allergy with frequent sneeze and runny nose.
I'm afraid that strange weather affected the lives that are going to live only for one summer time.

-- iPhoneから送信
Color in the sky
It's been cool in the morning and evening though the temperature being high during the day.
Still in the rainy season summer heat comes over between warm rain shower.
A day before yesterday evening, a friend of mine called me to watch at the sky in the west, she wanted to share the red shining sunset with me.
I was very impressed with the color and natural paint.
We were talking for a while seeing at the each natural art.
I thought nothing is more mysterious than natural beauty.
We have never had such feeling when we were young.
We can't deny we are old enough to admire nature and get healing from the nature.
Getting old and tired is not always bad thing but it sometimes teaches us to go back to be natural and thankful to others.

-- iPadから送信
Still in the rainy season summer heat comes over between warm rain shower.
A day before yesterday evening, a friend of mine called me to watch at the sky in the west, she wanted to share the red shining sunset with me.
I was very impressed with the color and natural paint.
We were talking for a while seeing at the each natural art.
I thought nothing is more mysterious than natural beauty.
We have never had such feeling when we were young.
We can't deny we are old enough to admire nature and get healing from the nature.
Getting old and tired is not always bad thing but it sometimes teaches us to go back to be natural and thankful to others.

-- iPadから送信
The flower this morning
weather forcast this week
It has been stormy since last night. I was annoyed by the noise of strong wind hitting the windows and like the screaming voice produced outdoor. It made me awaken at midnight.
I remember that scary feeling when I was little on stormy night as well as thunder storm.
But I hate more strong storm than thundering because I felt uneasy if my house might have blown up by the storm. I didn't feel scary with a devil in thunder.
According to weather forcast, rainy season comes back and thick clouds will stay above the sky all over Japan for a week.
It will be wet, humid and high temperature.
we need to be careful for food going bad fast!
The only merit this week is no need to water in the garden.
Rain shower will grow plants well.

-- iPhoneから送信
I remember that scary feeling when I was little on stormy night as well as thunder storm.
But I hate more strong storm than thundering because I felt uneasy if my house might have blown up by the storm. I didn't feel scary with a devil in thunder.
According to weather forcast, rainy season comes back and thick clouds will stay above the sky all over Japan for a week.
It will be wet, humid and high temperature.
we need to be careful for food going bad fast!
The only merit this week is no need to water in the garden.
Rain shower will grow plants well.

-- iPhoneから送信
The flower this morning
I bought a flower pot of three lilies bunch from the gardening market, which is going to close on a bargain sale a week ago.
They were piled in a narrow space not so well treated because the store was at the last minute sale.
I chose one of the pots with three buds but they were thin.
I wondered if they could be out of buds. I tried to replant them into the planter with leaf mold and compost. I took a good care of them.
Finally it took a week to come out the blooms. I'm looking forward to seeing their lovely smile one by one.

-- iPhoneから送信
They were piled in a narrow space not so well treated because the store was at the last minute sale.
I chose one of the pots with three buds but they were thin.
I wondered if they could be out of buds. I tried to replant them into the planter with leaf mold and compost. I took a good care of them.
Finally it took a week to come out the blooms. I'm looking forward to seeing their lovely smile one by one.

-- iPhoneから送信
An attractive love song
Listening to the song on the radio in a car, I was very touched with both music and lyrics.
It was familiar because of the song being used in a drama 'Jin'.
I wanted to listen to it more often, finally found this video on Youtube.
But most of this songs were deleted to protect the copy write.
It will soon disappear, instead I
should buy the tune but not on the itunes yet! Better buy CD?
Anyway, let you try to listen.
'Those Days I loved'
It was familiar because of the song being used in a drama 'Jin'.
I wanted to listen to it more often, finally found this video on Youtube.
But most of this songs were deleted to protect the copy write.
It will soon disappear, instead I
should buy the tune but not on the itunes yet! Better buy CD?
Anyway, let you try to listen.
'Those Days I loved'
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