It's famous for good morning service, toast and boiled egg with a cup of coffee.
I've ever lived in Gifu city, where is almost the same area as Nagoya on the Noubi plains.
Peope at the area are open mind and like chatting at the cafe very often. So there are many kinds of coffee shops in every bus stop.
When I came back to Toyama I was at a loss not being able to find any coffee shops aroud here and there.
I wonder such casual tea rooms would be gradually welcome to Toyama.
Toyama is one of the best score owning houses, they seemed to prefer inviting tea at home before.
But recent young generation would like to go out and eat out.
When I went to the new cafe in the morning, a lot of cars packed in the parking space and many elderly people were waiting at the entrance in spite of much rain.
I couldn't even enter the parking space but passed through just at a glance of the over view.
I'd like to come over after a few weeks.

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