The old goes to die instead of the new but the new will also get old later soon as Steve Jobs told in his speech.
He said that death is one of the most important creature from life.
He was sure his dying; that's why he raced with time and warned to young people not to waste time coz life time is limited.
His life was perfect which ended perfectly!
It was not because of his genius,a man of fame or celebrity....but for himself is only the special.
I've met a death of an old woman in my neighbor. She was 90 years old.
One of her family member told about her she lived to die peacefully and painlessly. She died as if she were sleeping soundly.
She has three children, 5 grand children and 7 great grand children.
Though she was not famous, not a genius but an ordinary woman, wife and mother. But death comes equally to us all.
I think no one is special in the life and the death....
I think my life is special for myself.
You can't live for others nor change with others life.
I'm convinced that a good life will have a good death(^-^)/

Thank you for inviting Jobs's speech. I felt sympathy with them very much. Especially my favorite episodo is 'the connecting dots'.I think it means there are nothing waste in our life, and this is one of my favorite thoughts.
返信削除Speaking of the limited life, casually Namutaka also talked about the life in this week's story.
Congratulations! I've finally got your comments.
返信削除Thank you for being patiently to send comments!
I also noticed that Namutak's word that life is beautiful because it ends....
It's full of thoughts. Thanks.