
Summer event

I regularly clean the fan in the kitchen once a year at this season in the end of summer.
It's very easier and more refreshed in this season than in the end of year the one which we call it 'big cleaning in the end of year'.
It's the typical in Japanese culture when people have long holiday and meet and stay at home in the end of the year and new year.
But these days I've been free from the tradition and do whatever I'd like to do in need.
In summer cleaning is much easier and speedy to remove the dust as long as early in the morning.
There is much time to spare in the day time after the small cleaning in the early morning in summer.

2 件のコメント:

  1. It is good idea!
    It is better to do the general house cleaning in this season than do in winter.
    It is good season to change a paper of a shoji in my house too.
    I'll do if I have a time.

    1. Yes, you can do it.
      However summer work brings you sweat, you can take shower at once.... so refreshed!


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