
Bring back home

A friend from NY has come back and we've met after half a year since when she had been back last time.
She can't stay longer than two months and go back after next week because of her business.
She is trying to stay more in Japan and with her husband in Toyama.
At next visit she is planning to take her pet dog "Kiki" for 3 months in Japan.
I'm going to take them to the dog cafe with my dog.
I hope her life in Japan will be main and on business trip to NY in the future.
Wishing her family will be extended and prosperous in Japan.

8 件のコメント:

  1. Yeasterday, grandchild for the first time was born to me!
    And, last night, it was a beautiful moonlit night calld "noti no jyusannya" of the swing for 171 years,
    and it seemed shining strikingly beautiful to me.

    1. Wow! Congratulations to you!!
      Your first grandchild is such a beautiful moonchild.
      You must be happier than anyone in the world now !!

  2. Mrs Narsisa congratulation on the birth of the grand child!

    Mrs Jen there was a friend in NY,my son living LA but,the front of it just lived in NY
    for around ten years.
    I feel nostalgic for the time when I went every year!

    1. Oh...you seem to love NY so much! There are many exciting events in NY.

  3. When I was young,a few peoples lived and worked in foreign countries.
    But now many people live and work there.It's general.Emily's son works in LA too.
    Jen's friend lives in NY now.I think she can live in Japan and sometimes go to NY to work in the future.It's possible.
    US may not be a far country.

    1. We can live over the countries and across races or ideologies.

  4. First of all, congratulations to Narsisa the birth of the first grandchild!
    Friend of teacher from New York are very busy, aren't it?
    And, she has been very active in the energetic.
    She is desirable to be able to business with based in Japan in the near future, isn't she?

    By the way, I enjoyed the one night hot spring trip to "Baden Akebi" from yesterday at the company OB meetings. And in the morning of today, I have enjoyed the park golf in hot spring trip destination.

    1. Good for your OB reunion.
      It's kind of great pleasure after retirement.


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