The big sale is promoted around the countries of *Commonwealth.
Many people expected big present after Christmas on the bargain sale.
We are going to leave early before the store open.
It will be crowded too much.
* イギリス連邦(イギリスれんぽう、英: Commonwealth of Nations、旧名 British Commonwealth)は、かつてのイギリス帝国(大英帝国)がその前身となって発足し、イギリスとその植民地であった独立の主権国家から成る、緩やかな国家連合(集合体)である。 英連邦(えいれんぽう)、コモンウェルス(the Commonwealth)ともいう。 実態は、民族の共通の利益の中で、また国際的な理解と世界平和の促進の中で、協議し、協力する自発的な独立の主権国の組織である(コモンウェルス原則の宣言前文)」と再定義され、ゆるやかな独立主権国家の連合となった(連邦国家ではない)。


Good morning! Thank you for the daily fun blog.
返信削除Boxing Day is an awful when looking in the news. Please don't injury!
Even so, I can understand from your blog, christmas is how important for the christian people ( maybe it will be usual in God's birthday...)
But, maybe in Japan not be understood well it just looking at the news.
By the way,
Mango, looks delicious! I love mango!
They are growing in my daughter's friend's garden.
削除There were also lots of tropical trees like palm trees.
I knew first time "Boxing Day" in this blog and learned its details at wikipedia of net.
返信削除Australia is one of the main countries of the Commonwealth, and have good friendly relations with Japan, isn't it?
By the way, how evaluation was your sushi roll at your daughter's family or any Australians?
I think surely that it had been rave reviews by them.
In Toyama, yesterday was not a white Christmas unfortunately without snowing.
My daughter and I were enjoying to make sushi roll with 3 gou rice and ingredient with salmon, chiken, egg, avocado, cucumber, carrot and so on. But there were lots of food and half of the sushi leftover was thrown away because of the hot weather in the garden party ...., it was wasteful but no word "mottainai" there.