
Riddle 5

Yesterday it was snowy in the afternoon when I started to walk my dog but it turned to get bright in the evening. So I went on a errand on foot for half an hour.
It was nice walking on my way.
It seems good days for another couple of days forward.
I'd like to enjoy walking for a while.
Today is the fifth riddle in this week.
How do you like it?
Riddle 5

6 件のコメント:

  1. The end of a "rainbow" is the letter of "W".
    Therefore, I think the answer of today's riddle is "W".

    By the way, it had an unexpected snowfall yesterday.
    Yesterday, I went to around Toyama station on something errand.
    Last work around the station is done for the Hokuriku Shinkansen ahead of the opening 8 days later.
    We want to look forward to the opening of the Hokuriku Shinkansen.

    1. That's it!
      It's such a tricky riddle but you solved!
      It's so exciting to see the first Shinkansen next week!

  2. Even walking outside, the sun is warm.
    Clodness of the wind, feel the breath of spring.
    Ski was already removed. and I will start to prepare for mountain-walking.
    Husband is making a delicious tempura of Surimi.
    Until lunch, going to the walk!
    By the way,
    What's at the end of the rainbow?
    It seems there is pot of gold in there.
    If it truth what I also want!

    1. If it's not a riddle the answer is more romantic one, for example " Over the rainbow ".

  3. The answer of today's riddle is "W".I didn't know it so that I checked into internet.

    I went to the temple near my house and made "Osyaka dumplings" in this morning.
    It's 2cm ball.They are made from a rice powder and are 4 colors.White,pink,yellow,green.
    They are distributed at "Nehane",which is a important temple's event and holds in next Sunday .
    When my children was young,I made a charm with it and I attached it with thier shool bags.
    I talked and laughed well with my neighbor making dumplings .

    1. Oh, you made an important traditional role in the neighborhood association. You are protected by the village temple.


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