Fill in the blanks.
1. Can I ( try ) it?
2. This is ( on ) me.
3. What's the ( speciality ) of the house.
4. Can we ( have )two small plates?
5. That will be ( all ).
Hydrangea garden
A little prince
A baby is a king's child so he (or she) is to be a prince (or princess).
A baby is to be treated like a king's child and parents are servants.
I think life is really mysterious because I feel thankful for the ancients and also great gladness from the new born life.
All life around me seems to be linked and live together now and on, from the past as well.
I can see the gorgeous life behind the little prince.
I appreciate to meet the prince finally.
A baby is to be treated like a king's child and parents are servants.
I think life is really mysterious because I feel thankful for the ancients and also great gladness from the new born life.
All life around me seems to be linked and live together now and on, from the past as well.
I can see the gorgeous life behind the little prince.
I appreciate to meet the prince finally.
A little monster
I woke up early about 3:00am this morning though I went to bed around 11:00pm last night. It's not much enough to sleep for a night but I couldn't go to sleep. I was watching my grandson's sleeping face next to me. He often roars and seeks for his mother's milk during night.
Every time he makes noise I wake up and sleep again, while my daughter gives her breast milk to her baby every time when he roars.
It will be two more nights with them. It's time for them to leave soon. So it will end of my lack of sleep but I will miss his touch.
My sleepless nights but sweet memory with a little monster.
It's so cute when to see the babe's sleeping.
It's really lovely when to see the smiling face.
But it's terribly bad when to hear crying and roaring in the day time, even during night we're often lack of sleep.
Raising a baby is so much burden for a mom. It's tough for herself alone.
A baby should be cared by as many hands as possible.
A baby is like a little monster to make mom's life killed.
Good care and much time are needed for a baby, of course as well as much love.
Nothing is more precious than mother's love.
As it's said " Women are weak but mothers are strong."
Mother is made by a baby and brings a perfect mother and child.
What a beautiful life!
Every time he makes noise I wake up and sleep again, while my daughter gives her breast milk to her baby every time when he roars.
It will be two more nights with them. It's time for them to leave soon. So it will end of my lack of sleep but I will miss his touch.
My sleepless nights but sweet memory with a little monster.
It's so cute when to see the babe's sleeping.
It's really lovely when to see the smiling face.
But it's terribly bad when to hear crying and roaring in the day time, even during night we're often lack of sleep.
Raising a baby is so much burden for a mom. It's tough for herself alone.
A baby should be cared by as many hands as possible.
A baby is like a little monster to make mom's life killed.
Good care and much time are needed for a baby, of course as well as much love.
Nothing is more precious than mother's love.
As it's said " Women are weak but mothers are strong."
Mother is made by a baby and brings a perfect mother and child.
What a beautiful life!
Positive life short?!
It's a column about prevention of sickness, means before getting sick you can prevent by yourself.
Only what I'm doing for the prevention is regular check of oral cavity, so I go to the dentist three times a year.
I don't like to go to the doctor's except taking my mother or elders.
I prefer to prevent before sickness.
This column doctor says positive makes short life, is it true?
But he tells about good balance in metal order to be careful and take attention to be healthy ....not too positive to be unhealthy.
Does it make sense?
A positive life
Only what I'm doing for the prevention is regular check of oral cavity, so I go to the dentist three times a year.
I don't like to go to the doctor's except taking my mother or elders.
I prefer to prevent before sickness.
This column doctor says positive makes short life, is it true?
But he tells about good balance in metal order to be careful and take attention to be healthy ....not too positive to be unhealthy.
Does it make sense?
A positive life
What's in your life?
I've found an interesting site which introduces some aspects of life.
Having a family, raising a child, mothering, fathering and relationship between wife and husband. Those different parts make up a life but not the same as each other.
I'm sure a life is diversified but can't exist alone. Each life helps and helped each other.
What's in your life?
Having a family, raising a child, mothering, fathering and relationship between wife and husband. Those different parts make up a life but not the same as each other.
I'm sure a life is diversified but can't exist alone. Each life helps and helped each other.
What's in your life?
A beautiful mind
I remember one of the masterpieces in the amount of movies. That's " A Beautiful Mind"
which won a Oscar film prize in 2001. It's a nonfiction about the mathematician and Nobel Prize award, John Nash. It was very splendid and heart warming life on movie, overcoming schizophrenia.
He and his wife were killed by the car accident on their way back from a trip.
It's very sorry and great loss for the world.
A beautiful mind
which won a Oscar film prize in 2001. It's a nonfiction about the mathematician and Nobel Prize award, John Nash. It was very splendid and heart warming life on movie, overcoming schizophrenia.
He and his wife were killed by the car accident on their way back from a trip.
It's very sorry and great loss for the world.
A beautiful mind
95 year-old B.D.
It was the 95 year-old birthday of Sadako yesterday. I had a Happy Birthday break with her. Though she is getting to be senile these days, she never makes troubles nor loses herself. She is loved by everyone in the neighbors who take care of her because of her good and lovely character, being honest and bright. She likes to be comfortable with other people and gets along each other easily.
I really respect her prudent life such as being herself and being good to others.
She says she'd like to go off sleeping soundly without pain.
"95 year-old is too much to live for me, so I'm ready to leave not so long." She's been saying like that for more than two years but it doesn't seem the time for her to go yet.
She is still enjoying eating and spending happy life now.
I hope she will live as much as her longevity and appreciate for the each day.
Happy Birthday 95 years old to Sadako.

I really respect her prudent life such as being herself and being good to others.
She says she'd like to go off sleeping soundly without pain.
"95 year-old is too much to live for me, so I'm ready to leave not so long." She's been saying like that for more than two years but it doesn't seem the time for her to go yet.
She is still enjoying eating and spending happy life now.
I hope she will live as much as her longevity and appreciate for the each day.
Happy Birthday 95 years old to Sadako.

What's ICT?
It's reported ICT( Internet and Communication Technology) is introduced to Furukawa machi for the school cooperated by NTT.
It's a big change of the education system from paper to paperless. They don't need paper text books but online ebooks in the clouds.
The students are good at using digital devices such as iPad and network PC. It will promote more online learning ever after. People can learn anything not at school.
ICT for network education
It's a big change of the education system from paper to paperless. They don't need paper text books but online ebooks in the clouds.
The students are good at using digital devices such as iPad and network PC. It will promote more online learning ever after. People can learn anything not at school.
ICT for network education
KY and Japanese
Patrick Harlan called Pakkun is a famous comedian as well as an actor, narrator and writer.
He is from the U.S. and learned Japanese when he was in the university. His passion drove him come to Japan and started to work as "Pakkun Makkun".
He is also now teaching at the university in Japan. His lecture and his talk show are full of humor and intelligence.
Here is his view for the Japanese with much expectation to bring success in the world.
It's a kind of good advice to know for the isolated Japanese.
The way Japanese to go
He is from the U.S. and learned Japanese when he was in the university. His passion drove him come to Japan and started to work as "Pakkun Makkun".
He is also now teaching at the university in Japan. His lecture and his talk show are full of humor and intelligence.
Here is his view for the Japanese with much expectation to bring success in the world.
It's a kind of good advice to know for the isolated Japanese.
The way Japanese to go
The time 100
The Time selected the most influential people 100 in the world.
Among them there are two Japanese. One is Haruki Murakami who is a great writer nominated at the Nobel prize candidate and the other is an organizer Marie Kondoh who made a best seller book "Tokineki no okatazuke".
It's a big surprise that her way of organizing is inspiring for the management field.
I was also influenced by her book and organized my things a few years ago.
I'm sure it's linked each other organizing private and public space to clear and clean to start from.
The 100
The organizer Marie Kondoh
Among them there are two Japanese. One is Haruki Murakami who is a great writer nominated at the Nobel prize candidate and the other is an organizer Marie Kondoh who made a best seller book "Tokineki no okatazuke".
It's a big surprise that her way of organizing is inspiring for the management field.
I was also influenced by her book and organized my things a few years ago.
I'm sure it's linked each other organizing private and public space to clear and clean to start from.
The 100
The organizer Marie Kondoh
Amazing red price
Hilarious baby crawling competition
It was a baby crawling competition held at APA shopping center yesterday. It's said the 79 times for 30-year-old anniversary of the shopping center.
There were more than 200 babies entry and their family are also gathered together. I guess for one baby more than 3 people accompanied so it was incredible lay crowded with babies as well as young parents and old grandparents and siblings, too.
Jace entered the race cheered by 8 people ( relatives and friends ) but it was sorry he was not so good as crawling yet, instead he was staying at the ready position not starting from the line.
It was very hilarious and we all met together at the moment.

There were more than 200 babies entry and their family are also gathered together. I guess for one baby more than 3 people accompanied so it was incredible lay crowded with babies as well as young parents and old grandparents and siblings, too.
Jace entered the race cheered by 8 people ( relatives and friends ) but it was sorry he was not so good as crawling yet, instead he was staying at the ready position not starting from the line.
It was very hilarious and we all met together at the moment.

Weekend quiz
1. This is ( effective ) in dieting.
2. As a ( rule ), I try to exercise every day.
3. Are you trying to ( slim ) down?
4. You don't need to ( go ) on a diet.
5. I'm on a ( restricted ) diet.
Weekend quiz
1. This is ( effective ) in dieting.
2. As a ( rule ), I try to exercise every day.
3. Are you trying to ( slim ) down?
4. You don't need to ( go ) on a diet.
5. I'm on a ( restricted ) diet.
Weekend quiz
When I weed in my garden I feel there are different kind of weeds from usual year. There seems more thin leaves. I guess it's been little rain and the land is dry that's why those thin leaves which can only live with little water survive in the garden. As I didn't give water because I didn't plant any flowers or vegetables as I had a hey fever since I had done weeding a few month ago.
I started weeding yesterday and tried to plant some seeds in the planter.
Hope I could see the good productions in a while.

I started weeding yesterday and tried to plant some seeds in the planter.
Hope I could see the good productions in a while.

Happy a half year B.D.
It was a half-year-old birthday of Jace yesterday.
My daughter had been preparing for his B.D. cake made of rice, carrot and shirasu fish. It was made into paste and frozen into the shape.
When we had a party of his B.D. ceremony the frozen cake with some decoration was made into warm and easy to be eaten.
I'm not sure if Jace was really happy to have a half year birthday, we recorded the photos and video of the proof anyway.
I hope he will feel happy when growing up and seeing it.
I also wish every baby and child in the world were happy without a war.

My daughter had been preparing for his B.D. cake made of rice, carrot and shirasu fish. It was made into paste and frozen into the shape.
When we had a party of his B.D. ceremony the frozen cake with some decoration was made into warm and easy to be eaten.
I'm not sure if Jace was really happy to have a half year birthday, we recorded the photos and video of the proof anyway.
I hope he will feel happy when growing up and seeing it.
I also wish every baby and child in the world were happy without a war.

Live this moment
Venetia Stanley-Smith is well known to a great gardener as well as a climber, naturalist and essayist living in Kyoto since 1978.
Her house is surrounded by natural herb and wild flower garden.
She found her life in harmony with nature and be true to
The point is to live your life this moment. Life is more grateful if you notice it.
Live this moment
The garden life
The garden show
Her house is surrounded by natural herb and wild flower garden.
She found her life in harmony with nature and be true to
The point is to live your life this moment. Life is more grateful if you notice it.
Live this moment
The garden life
The garden show
Now first and End
I've read an article about ending preparation, " Shukatsu" in Japanese.
In the paper a post from 72 year-old woman, who lost her husband of cancer a year before, asks the consultant if she should prepare for her ending to her two children each separated from her.
The answer is clear that she should start to think about it and makes fair to both of the children afterward.
But the most important is to live for now first and next to do for ending because the true ending is consist of living active and being happy at the present. It's said " Genkatsu ".
I've heard of Shukatsu many times and thought about it but Genkatsu is for the first time.
I'd rather think more about Genkatsu now on!
In the paper a post from 72 year-old woman, who lost her husband of cancer a year before, asks the consultant if she should prepare for her ending to her two children each separated from her.
The answer is clear that she should start to think about it and makes fair to both of the children afterward.
But the most important is to live for now first and next to do for ending because the true ending is consist of living active and being happy at the present. It's said " Genkatsu ".
I've heard of Shukatsu many times and thought about it but Genkatsu is for the first time.
I'd rather think more about Genkatsu now on!
The first African-American First Lady
Michelle Obama made a speech at Tuskegee University in Alabama, Obama told the audience that when her husband was running for office in 2008, she faced questions which she said were not typical for other candidates' wives.
I think her life for the First Lady and the first African-American were so tough that anyone else could not have endured by the huge bashing and responsibility.
Michelle Obama's speech
Ms.Obama gave a hug to a girl.
I think her life for the First Lady and the first African-American were so tough that anyone else could not have endured by the huge bashing and responsibility.
Michelle Obama's speech
Ms.Obama gave a hug to a girl.
Recent child care
It's recent new logic for raising children.
It's said "Don't say effort makes you success." but you should let them notice effort is important if you can't make good result."
I used to say to my children " Don't give up as long as you have a dream." They got to know what they were and established their way to the goal even if they couldn't make it success.
I'm not sure which is better or not and different for between the past and present generation.
I think it the most important for children to be loved and cared by parents or foster parents until their growth.
I remember I tried to lead my children to be independent in the future and live strong by themselves.
How to lead your child
It's said "Don't say effort makes you success." but you should let them notice effort is important if you can't make good result."
I used to say to my children " Don't give up as long as you have a dream." They got to know what they were and established their way to the goal even if they couldn't make it success.
I'm not sure which is better or not and different for between the past and present generation.
I think it the most important for children to be loved and cared by parents or foster parents until their growth.
I remember I tried to lead my children to be independent in the future and live strong by themselves.
How to lead your child
Unscramble word
There are unscramble words and make them perfect words.
And then make a sentence using the words and answer it.
1. ti
2. si
3. aoytd
4. tawh
And then make a sentence using the words and answer it.
1. ti
2. si
3. aoytd
4. tawh
It starts to change the color from green yellow to red.
The pretty cherries in the trees which was in full bloom earlier a month and half ago.
Cherry blossoms fully bloomed
I picked some of the red ones and tasted.
It made me happy and smile with the sweet and fresh juice.

The pretty cherries in the trees which was in full bloom earlier a month and half ago.
Cherry blossoms fully bloomed
I picked some of the red ones and tasted.
It made me happy and smile with the sweet and fresh juice.

The local special food
I tasted kinira which is special in Okayama. It's a kind of nira leek not green one but yellow.
I enjoyed it tempura roll.
It was very wonderful and new.
I knew another local popular food mamakari fish because it was given at school lunch.
But I was surprised to hear that a clerk girl at the restaurant told me that she never eat mamakari and no habit to eat at home even she lives in Okayama.
It's so odd to have known it!

I enjoyed it tempura roll.
It was very wonderful and new.
I knew another local popular food mamakari fish because it was given at school lunch.
But I was surprised to hear that a clerk girl at the restaurant told me that she never eat mamakari and no habit to eat at home even she lives in Okayama.
It's so odd to have known it!

A trip on the G.W.
Animal idiom quiz
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I'm going to have a ( cat ) nap while you're cooking dinner.
a cat nap = a short sleep
I sleep in the basement during the ( dog ) days of August.
dog days = very hot days
My teacher had a ( cow ) when she realized nobody had done the homework.
have a cow = get extremely upset
I ( pigged ) out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.
pig out = eat a lot of something
I asked my brother not to tell my parents that I went out but I could smell a ( rat ) as soon as I opened the door.
smell a rat = begin to suspect trickery etc
Hold your ( horse ). I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.
hold your horses = wait and be patient
In England when you cross the road you can walk "a ( zebra ) crossing.
a street crossing marked with white stripes = a zebra crossing
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I'm going to have a ( cat ) nap while you're cooking dinner.
a cat nap = a short sleep
I sleep in the basement during the ( dog ) days of August.
dog days = very hot days
My teacher had a ( cow ) when she realized nobody had done the homework.
have a cow = get extremely upset
I ( pigged ) out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.
pig out = eat a lot of something
I asked my brother not to tell my parents that I went out but I could smell a ( rat ) as soon as I opened the door.
smell a rat = begin to suspect trickery etc
Hold your ( horse ). I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.
hold your horses = wait and be patient
In England when you cross the road you can walk "a ( zebra ) crossing.
a street crossing marked with white stripes = a zebra crossing
G.W. Quiz
Today is the last quiz during the G.W.
I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the time.
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly
In England when you cross the road you can walk "a ( ) crossing.
I hope you'll enjoy the rest of the time.
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly
In England when you cross the road you can walk "a ( ) crossing.
G.W. quiz
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
Hold your ( ). I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
Hold your ( ). I'll be done in the washroom in a minute.
G.W. quiz
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I asked my brother not to tell my parents that I went out but I could smell a ( ) as soon as I opened the door.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I asked my brother not to tell my parents that I went out but I could smell a ( ) as soon as I opened the door.
G.W. quiz
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I ( ) out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
I ( ) out on pancakes so I don't have room for lunch.
G.W. quiz
Here are some common idioms based on animals. Each entry includes the meaning of the idiom and shows the idiom in context in an example sentence.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
My teacher had a ( ) when she realized nobody had done the homework.
I'll introduce each of the idiom quiz each day during golden week.
Please try to answer it.
You can put a word from these words
( rat, pig, horse, cat, zebra, dog, cow,) You can make it properly.
My teacher had a ( ) when she realized nobody had done the homework.
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