
Recent child care

It's recent new logic for raising children.
It's said "Don't say effort makes you success." but you should let them notice effort is important if you can't make good result."

I used to say to my children " Don't give up as long as you have a dream." They got to know what they were and established their way to the goal even if they couldn't make it success.
I'm not sure which is better or not and different for between the past and present generation.
I think it the most important for children to be loved and cared by parents or foster parents until their growth.
I remember I tried to lead my children to be independent in the future and live strong by themselves.
How to lead your child

4 件のコメント:

  1. Although my two grandsons are belong to the boys baseball team and are joined to practice about four days a week, they always quarrel with a mom about homework and the study of the school.
    They likes baseball and gives priority to baseball, but mom demands that they gives priority to learning.
    I and my wife will always support them secretly.

    1. I'm sure you and your wife are good supporter for your grandchildren!

  2. I wanted that the children will notice that there is a wide variety of way in life.
    When it's necessary to select their way, I hope to become a human that can to think for themselves.
    And, I hope to the children that have the responsibility and confidence in the chosen life.
    By the way ,
    Yesterday, I talked with granddaughter real-time using the Aipotto. It was fun time!

    1. I expect and worry for the children to grow well in the world.
      Everything is changing but love for children and family is forever.


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