It's said you should be careful if you have high cholesterol in your healthy status.
I'm one of them having had high cholesterol for years but not taking medicine to mend the figures. The doctor advised me to control the right number of your blood test, it's better taking medicine than food or exercise.
Of course I'd better like to be careful having food or exercise than medicine even though I would not live longer. Am I wrong?
This topic is not new but it's important for us about diet.
Cholesterol in food is not the matter but you should take it in moderate.
Taking food in balance not too much of one material.
Small portion and a lot of different kinds of food such as in miso soup or boiled vegetable stew and so on.
What I'm trying to avoid is chemical products such as margarine, salad oil, snacks and so on. Eggs are both cholesterol and protein an ideal perfect food I think but a few a week. I'm not caring about too much when I cook or eat as long as having problems in my condition.
Anyway foods are supporting our health, I don't want to waste food.
Cholesterol in food OK