

It's a serious situation if you have a wheat allergy.
You can't eat bread, pasta, sweet cake or anything made by wheat.
It would be very hard if it happens.
But you can try something gluten-free.
I'm not sure I could try gluten-free for some weeks if I had a wheat allergy. It will make me sad.
gluten-free products

8 件のコメント:

  1. I have never thought food allergy.
    I knew a lot of allergy.
    My granddaughter has an allergy to eggs.
    I have an allergy to raw mackerels.
    I have eaten many raw mackerels.
    I got hives three times so far.
    My friend said to me. You should not eat the raw mackerel.
    If you eat it, you may die.
    Then I cannot eat it. But I want to eat it.

    1. I understand. In my case I didn't have pollen allergy but since last year I got a hay fever suddenly.
      So I can't tell I would not have wheat or other allergy in the future.
      They say allergy is a kind of crisis for every one which would stock in our body. It's so scary.

  2. I knew for the first time that an allergy occur by wheat flour.
    In addition, I heard words of "gluten-free" also for the first time.
    I thank for you that I can get various knowledge by your blog.

    By the way, I joined at regular meeting of walking club and walked 13km from Higashi-Yatuo Station of Takayama-line to Toyama Air-port via Shio-no-senbonsakura.
    Most of the cherry were scattered, but we were able to enjoy comfortable walking under the sunlight and the blue sky while looking Tate-mountain range.

    1. Oh...you've back to in the early afternoon from the walking club meeting for 13km's walk!
      It's really amazing that you are back from the knee injury so soon. But be careful and take a good care.

  3. Our circumference is filled with allergy sources.
    It's necessary for physical condition to check these allergies source at the time of disorder.
    But I'm really sad if wheat flour is allergic.

    By the way,
    This morning, there was a phone call from my friend as "come to take the Hotaruika ".
    There was "Hotaruika" to the big basket when I went to the friend's house.
    It was almost like being in the fishing port.
    Because it was too many "Hotaruika".
    I got it so as to be full of big vessel.
    I boiled it immediately and sent it to my son.
    I'm going to make a kanroni by the remaining Hotaruika.

    1. Oh...you're lucky for the season food "hotaruika" which are said to commited suicide in the surface, don't they?

  4. Today's meeting was able to return home before noon because the start was 8:30 am. However, the full course of today was 18 km to Toyama city center, but I stopped in the middle and came back to Toyama city by bus for the protect the legs. I'm going to stretch the walking distance little by little now on.

    1. Yes, it's better you keep your way to go until your condition gets well for a while.


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