
Stormy after the storm

It's such a terrible storm this morning but not a typhoon. I'm really upset with the imperial dahlias are damaged by the both strong storm twice.
I'm very sorry I couldn't take attention for them to guard from the storm.

Stormy after the storm

6 件のコメント:

  1. These natural disaster is unhappy for ours.
    By the way, It's fine day today.
    Fall is a good season.
    Let's together enjoy.

    1. It seems to stop storming. It's good day for gardening today.

  2. It was very disappointing that your two imperial dahlias fallen by the strong wind, wasn't it?
    There is one emperor dahlia also in my home and had grown steadily until around August, but it stopped growing at 1m hight though the cause don't know.
    So, I also can't see the beautiful large flowers in this year unfortunately.

    By the way, I was took a little much time today's pazzle. The answer already was answered by ann Monday. She is very clever, isn't she?

    1. I think so, too. Ann's very good sense of Math and can solve the puzzle very quickly. Actually I give the puzzle which I couldn't solve easily but she could so fast! She might have been good at calculating such as an accountant.

  3. Your imperial dahlias was disappointing.
    There is a lot of flowers that had fallen down by the strong wind also in my neighborhood.
    I don't have a flowers of fall.
    Flower which bloomed in summer, are planted in the planter.
    And they are still have a flowers.
    I took entrance them before typhoon comes.

    It's consecutive holidays from today. But, it seems the bad weather.
    TV news has reported the damage by "Matthew" of hurricane.
    Mt, Aso has been the explosion in Japan.
    The good news for me, it John was starting in the UK travel cheerfully.

    I'm sorry not to challenge the puzzle.

    1. I'm not sure the dahlia is really dead or not...,hope they have a power to survive ....for next year maybe...
      But natural disaster such as typhoon or earthquake and volcano explosion can't be avoided, nothing to do for. We are small things in the universe. So just being thankful and feel happy each day.


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