It's been unable to upload this site from my iPhone because of the App doesn't work for the new device iPhone 7 since I had changed it a few months before. It's so inconvenient to use other device using old version iOS. So I'll be simple to do the single step from today.
Please forgive me to leave this site "blogger" until the App would be improved.
Please check directly to the Wordpress blog and give the comment there.
85-year-old cheer leader
I watched her sometime in TV
返信削除She is a wonderful woman
Iwant tobecome such a woman too!
My second son retured to US today
he always did a hug to me always
Kindly and came back
I'm very lonely!
You want to go with him, don't you? All that you can do is to cheer and pray of his good life there. You're a good mother of him.