
What if life without toilet?

There is a shocking report that 2 of 5 people are still having hard life without toilets at home in the world.
Can you stay life without a toilet?

No life, no toilet!!!

4 件のコメント:

  1. I was surprised that 2.5 billion peoples of 1/3 of the world's population are living with toilet inadequacy or without toilet.
    I think that toilet situation in Japan is highest level in the world fortunately, such as sewage disposal facility and flush toilets and washlet.

    By the way, it was a pleasant weather today, isn't it?
    There was the first time of Tateyama editing at our walking club today and we walked about 12km to the Joganji-park from Joganji river estuary along a river.
    Tateyama mountain range seen from banks of the river was so amazing.

    1. It was really a lovely day!
      You were very lucky to have the first walking to the Mt.tate.

  2. I was surprised that 2 of 5 people were living without toilets.
    Many people died in infectious diseases.
    If they set up a toilet and secure a fresh water, they prevented a disease.
    I'm sorry this surrounding.

    1. Yes...we need bathroom as well as kitchen and bedroom.


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