
Nadeshiko the final match

Today is the final match, Nadeshiko Japan vs USA.
I can't take my eyes off on the game. It will start soon!

Though they lost at the final match their spirits never die!
I really respect Nadeshiko Japan!

4 件のコメント:

  1. I couldn't watch the final match on T.V.
    I regret that they lost,but they give me the excitement and strong of the spirit.
    I thought they did not gave up hope. I would like to teach their spirit for my children.

    1. It was one of the great games I've ever watched though they couldn't win the game.
      We're proud of the spirit of Nadeshiko.

  2. I was watching TV until the middle while shouting "ow,ow". The resuits of game I knew at the dentust.
    It's unfortunate, but they took two points in one game from the USA that only lost one point in this turnament.
    All things considered, Nadeshiko is excellent!!
    By the way,
    Yesterday's answer was the name. It couldn't imagine to me.

    1. It was 4 years ago when the Nadeshiko won the final match just after the big disaster 3.11 occurred.
      I remember that their victory encouraged us a lot. But this time I learned something important from them....it's a kind of steady mind even in a difficulty.


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