
Jace first stands

It's the next step to grow for Jace to stand by himself on about 9 months old.Though he can already walk by pushchair he'll learn to stand and walk by himself soon.
Jace first stands

2 件のコメント:

  1. Jace is quite striver for walking by himself, isn't it?
    He challenged to stand up by himself without giving up many times.
    So, I think that he will start walking alone surely immediately.
    When he seems to walk at ten months old, it is considerably early.
    For your information, my granddaughter has begun to walk at 11 months old.

    By the way, one incident has occurred in my home this morning.
    When I finished morning watering and was going to enter the house, a snake of 1m in length lay in the entrance porch of the house, so I was surprised very much because in late years I have not seen a snake around a house.

    1. OMG! If I were you to have seen a snake at the entrance, I would not stand nor walk any more and shivering for a while because I'm really scared of snakes.


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