
Weekend quiz

I watched the tv and knew how to prevent dementia exercise by Kenichiro Mogi. He is well known a brain scientist and a writer.
He introduced how to prevent dementia and how to train your brain by yourself very cheap.
And he is now researching the AI how it works well to the human brain.
This is the answer which he told on the TV.
Q1. Which is the useful way to prevent dementia? C
A. Singing a song
B. Taking a nap
C. Juggling otedama

Q2. Which activity is effective for training the brain? B
A. Counting numbers
B. Chatting with different people
C. Jogging every day

Q3. Which activity is A.I.(artificial intelligence like AI robot) bad at.C
A. To assist the way to go
B. To find out emotion from the face
C. To chat with different people
Weekend quiz

4 件のコメント:

  1. Since heat is continuous, movement of my brain has become dull...
    Today's my answer is....
    1, Taking a nap.
    2, jogging evry day
    3, To chat with different people.

    By the way,
    Although thinking the meal of while the children are staying, I got tired.

    1. I guess so...even when my daughter and grandson were staying with me for 6 weeks I got tired, too.

  2. I guess that answer of weekend quiz is as follows.
    Q1. is C. Juggling otedama.
    Q2. is C. Jogging every day.
    Q3. is C. To chat with different people.

    By the way, printer which I purchased yesterday started printing from today. Because structure and an operation method changed when three years passed, I had trouble a little to master it.

    1. The good way to prevent dementia seems to be multi task every moment...don't let the brain work off. It means working brain busily!
      I'll try juggling otedama soon.
      Recent printers have multi task, don't they?


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