
Seeds of the flower

Yesterday it was cloudy in the morning and started rainy all day long. According to the weather forecast, it would keep raining for longer than a week.
I immediately took seeds out of the dead sunflower before falling rain.
I'll put them dry until next year.
I hope the beautiful flower will come out next summer.

4 件のコメント:

  1. I haven't experience of grows the flowers from seeds.
    Therefor I prepared 30 bulbs of the flower which bloom in spring.
    Though I'll " flower planted together" in the flower pots, rainy day continue. When should I plant these?
    By the way,
    "National Meeting for the Healthy Ocean" will be held in the Kaioumaru park on October 24-25th.
    The Empror and the Empress comes to the Kaioumaru park to participate in there.
    So, The pavement of the road is redoing here and there.
    It's hope always good without a special things.

    1. It's a great opportunity to celebrate your town, isn't it?
      As you said it should be treated well without VIP.

  2. Also today is rain weather, isn't it?
    We don't seem to be able to expect fine weather for the time being.
    These days, the clothes of long sleeves seem to be suitable than short sleeves.

    By the way, the growth of my granddaughter of the 1-year-old and 7 months are very fun. She became to able to understand words considerably that our family talked. In addition, she came to speak many words. Especially, she called me "Ji Ji" so far, but called me "Ji-chan" for the first time yesterday.

    1. I can imagine how much joy you had by your granddaughter's growth.


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