
The feeling of warmth

It's got warmer than last two days even 2 or 3 centigrade in the morning though.
Yesterday Mai spoke about it she felt spring after the cold weather since last week.
We can feel the differences of cold and warm comparing to the latest one.
So we can feel warm from winter to spring, while from summer to fall cold instead.
It reminds me of the precious wise word by Walter Whitman.
" About those who tremble in the cold feel the warmth of the sun . The more a person who has passed under the troubles of life know the preciousness of life."

6 件のコメント:

  1. Compared with the severe cold of a few days ago, certainly yesterday or today was very warm and I feel the coming of spring.
    But, we can not be at ease because it seems to become cold again next week.

    By the way, who is Mai?
    In addition, I was not able to translate a part of "The more a person who" and "About those who" introduced with this blog of wise word of Walter Whitman.
    But, I was able to obtain the result such as follows when I used Google translation of the net. So, I understood perfectly.


    1. It was Wednesday class yesterday and Mai is a mate in the class.
      That's right of your translation by Google. The word is one of the great philosophy in our life.

  2. Walter Whitman is great. I want to have a wonderful life, too.
    I have herad such the words. "Human relations begins from to forgive others"
    It's a great words, isn't it?

    1. I'm not mature nor grown enough to forgive easily....I'm still developing.

  3. I watched "Star Wars" today.
    The actor is Harrison Ford only who appeared in last series and also this time have appeared.
    But, he will die in this series.
    I had watching it while my heart beating fast.
    There were a lot of people to see "the promise of the life" at Favore.

    1. You know how to enjoy the life in winter a lot!


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